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Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: May 12th, 2020


  • Now who can argue with that? I think we’re all indebted to TheFerrango for clearly stating what needed to be said. I’m particulary glad that these lovely children were here today to hear that speech. Not only was it authentic Star Trek technobabble, it expressed a courage little seen in this day and age.

  • Ohhh, that touched a deep well of hatred. My first engineering job was full stack and we had a highly modified Bootstrap front end. I’d build the thing they wanted, and the designers would get looped in for QA and insist that various pieces had to look like their little wireframe down to the pixel. I mean look, it’s easy right?

    I asked why they are insisting on constantly going against the standards that had been adopted company-wide. Did it stop? Why no! Did I get a suit down with my boss? Why yes!

    He is/was a cool guy and saw my perspective but also gave me precious advice on how to survive.

  • Here’s one: Trading cards are something you own. Skins are limited to a game you’re licensing.

    Here’s another: trading cards are portable; they can be put in a collection for display, put in a safety deposit box, etc. When CS goes, all the skins go with it.

    Another minor one: baseball cards are informational, the skins are cosmetic only.

    Mind you, I think both are forms of unregulated gambling and trading cards as well as loot boxes should have better societal scrutiny, but they aren’t identical.

    Edited for typo

  • Unlike Jellico, Shaw actually paid attention to those under his command and showed character growth. Granted, Jellico only had a limited time, but he was given a lot of assholery and extremely few humanizing traits/moments.

    With Shaw, it’s spelled out why he is the way he is and that even with those burdens/wounds, he’s still trying. You don’t get any of that from Jellico. The closest you get is him dropping ranks to insult his first officer and then subsequently asking him to do an extremely difficult/dangerous assignment.

    Steve Shives defends him, and I do see his point, but my counter-argument to that is worse for efficiency to change up ways of working immediately before a critical event, even if you think your way is better, and to ignore what the modern day calls the “human element”.

  • As an exmo, it is specifically a ban on coffee and tea (not herbal tea, caffeinated tea). Some are strict and extrapolate this to mean “caffeine” and some are literalists that chug Mountain Dew. It’s very weird. As an aside: one of the names of ephedra is “Mormon tea”.

  • Honestly, I count using the four fingers for 1-4, close the fingers and extend thumb for five, then extend each finger again for 6-9.

    The right hand counts tens and works the same way. Can count to 100, and it’s pretty intuitive. It’s like if positional notation was discovered way earlier.