PaX [comrade/them, they/them]

Very tired nerd who doesn’t know how to speak correctly

Ask me about floppa, Plan 9, or computer architecture or anything computers really (if you want)

The only zoomer qualified to operate an RBMK reactor

Researcher of rare and powerful beanis


  • 2 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 15th, 2022


  • He rented all types of servers around the country in the cloud and designed a denial of service (DoS) attack

    doug-clap What a uniquely skilled individual!

    His feat did not go unnoticed. Over the next year he had meetings with officials from the United States Cyber Command, the branch of the armed forces dedicated to this field. He also met with officers from the Marines, the Space Operations Command and intelligence (NSA). Cáceres shared with them the keys to his successful operation and told them that, in his opinion, similar operations could be carried out with small commandos of two to four hackers. That would give them agility, autonomy and the ability to react.

    Me, a cyber-commando, dressing up in full tactical gear, ready for anything, for the trip from my gaming chair to my refrigerator to get beer while I watch my rented Azure servers send spam to a small country’s routers

    He tried, but failed. “To do anything you need authorization, which takes six months to get. And when you get it, what you wanted to do no longer works. That is the reality here in the U.S.: we have very, very good people working on our cyber defense, but they are hogtied. They can’t do anything, even though I know we have the resources to do a lot.”

    Smh our bureaucratic government won’t approve my request to start a war with the DPRK from my couch

    If he did this to any other small nation, especially a US-aligned one, he would be charged with a serious crime. The US can’t openly do electronic warfare but they can stand by and watch this clown do what basically amounts to cyber-terrorism, a least for a little while

    Anyway, now that he doxxed himself I hope the DPRK actually gives him something to fear lol


    And ever since he took down the internet in North Korea, he has also been approached by the National Security Agency (NSA). Everyone wanted to know how he did it.


    This is peak journalism, they obviously took him at his word

  • Well, as far as I’m aware it started with that awful “tankie” meme posted by db0 that portrayed MLs/MLMs as inhuman monsters rolling out the firing squads at the earlier opportunity. That thread blew up when our users saw it on our feeds and voiced their opinions with it. Since then, there’s been a few more threads posted by db0 and they keep blowing up cuz it’s usually something our users take offense to (like posting this essay by ziq, famous terminally-online “anti-civ anarchist”/ecofascist). I have only seen one thread by our users about db0 but that came after a few days of db0 posting threads like this intentionally calling out MLs or “tankies” in a bad-faith and provocative manner.

    To be blunt it seems like the magnitude of the hexbear response seems to have more to do with them being federated and given tacit permission to keep commenting about it here than anything else. There is a lot worse going on elsewhere that hexbear users don’t invest this much energy in because it is less convenient to do so.

    Well, we are aware of places like with much worse politics. These threads just keep coming up in our feeds that we can reply to with our usual accounts. Db0 is free to ban us all or add a rule saying MLs can’t comment in this community but that does sound a lot like “forcible suppression of opposition” lol.

    None of that really helps me understand this attitude/behavior that seems like whiplash between humor and hatred.

    If it helps, that’s just kinda what Hexbear’s site culture is like lol. People are very passionate about politics here and can get upset about people behaving in a manner like db0. That being said, I have seen a lot of constructive and calm conversations between our users and other instances’ users about politics even when we disagree.

  • I’m hearing an implication that all anarchists are opposed to industry. Is this what you’re saying?

    Nahh, definitely not. Big respect to actual principled anarchists (who don’t spend all their energy tearing down and slandering the projects of others seeking liberation).

    Ziq is one of those anti-civilization “”“anarchists”“” seeking some kind of reactionary return to pre-industrial or even pre-“civilizational” society because of the belief that the problems of capitalism are actually endemic to post-industrial society itself. You can even go on their blog (raddle) and see them shitting on anarchists for believing a better world is possible. It’s weird because at the same time these “anti-civ anarchists” advocate for the end of industrial society, they don’t actually believe it’s possible except through apocalypse, so their praxis extends to waiting until capitalism destroys the planet and then building their ideal world in the “deserts” left behind. Basically a kind of radical doomerism with politically inert and fed characteristics. The result of becoming conscious of the contradictions and effects of capitalism while never moving beyond the neoliberal worldview of “there is no alternative” which is also why you see them spreading the same usual liberal ahistorical bullshit about the USSR.

    the-deserter Literally “the deserter” (as in sand and this book)

  • Another “both-sides” banger by ziq.

    “Fascism is a form of radical authoritarian ultranationalism, characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition and control of industry and commerce.”

    This is a useless definition of fascism. It describes basically any existing political-economic system. Even an anarchist system falls under it. Unless your anarchist system wouldn’t maintain a monopoly on political power, forcibly suppress people trying to destroy it, and not have control over industry and commerce?

    I don’t really know where to begin with this essay. To try to take it apart point by point would take ages and it just hits on all the same points that liberals do anyway (and uses the same sources). I’m just tired of fighting with anarchist comrades. Maybe when the struggle gets to the point that this shit actually matters we can try to resolve our contradictions. Until then I’m fine working with anarchists in actual real life work that matters.

    Funny aside, ziq hates me :D

    Yeahh, zig hates everyone btw lol. They’re one of those ridiculous “anti-civ” “anarchists” who basically exist solely online. Have you read their essays where they advocate for ending organized agriculture and returning to a hunter-gatherer subsistence lifestyle? Lmao

  • Programmers can trust language security features too much…

    Of course, they’re nice to have and really can make things easier to implement securely but it’s still very easy to introduce security problems or bugs into any code. This is just an unsolvable problem of writing imperative code. All imperative code will reliably have memory leaks (even in Java!) and security holes because no compiler can check to see if you thought of everything.

    And large and complex compilers/interpreters with these security features can end up introducing their own security problems or bugs in the process of implementing them.

    I’m just tired of people entirely dismissing languages like C because they don’t have these features. Especially when the operating systems their code runs on and their languages may even be implemented in C!