Palacegalleryratio [he/him]

Red panda because Dirt Owl said so.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 29th, 2023

  • My personal favourite is to break from staring after 30 mins, exclaim, “Hang on, we’re going about this completely back to front!” then spend the next hour deriving from first principles, only to arrive back at the original problem, but now with slightly different notation. At which point I realise that all I’ve done is get myself back to my starting point… Then it’s back to the staring.

  • I don’t like to brag, but I’m personally proud of this one. Me and my partner ran our first ever 10km race this weekend. We’re not self described runners, but we have both been trying to get fitter, running has been huge for us, helping weight loss and cardio fitness noticeably. Also good to spend some time touch-grass. I would say just recently we’re one step along the way to being runners! As we’re just starting to enjoy what had up until now been a form of self inflicted torture.

  • iirc the no windows 9 thing was actually because a lot of software ran a compatibility check like:

    if windows version = “windows 9*” then open legacy mode

    This worked for software written for newer windows like xp but still allowing a legacy mode on older windows versions like 95 and 98. Problem was this also put that same software running on windows 9 into legacy mode. So they called it windows 10 to sidestep the compatibility issues.

  • You know what, this is on us. Chat GPT is just a prediction engine that tries to say what words it thinks follow a preceding prompt, and it’s looked at millions of examples (written by us) and it’s seen hapless clients and users complain about bugs and be told: “user error, works fine” so often chatGPT just thinks it’s just the culturally accepted polite response to a bug report, in the same way as responding to “thank you” with “you’re welcome”. This is a dark mirror on our profession.

  • I don’t get it. From what I can remember from history classes and reading Wikipedia (so not ideal sources!) the victims of the holocaust numbered some c.6million Jews out of the c.14m total victims including, amongst others, c.7.8m soviet pows and civilians.

    Surely what Germany should have guilt for is its genocide against humans, not specifically just its treatment of Jews. So unless we’re saying the treatment of communist, Slavic, Romani, gay and disabled people etc by nazi Germany was not such a bad thing actually and it’s just the Jews that Germany regrets killing (and surely we are not saying that!?) then it would seem to me that Germany should be speaking out against any and all genocide, including that of Palestinians?

    I’m legitimately confused about this point of view.

  • Hey, I don’t have a powerful desktop any more, however I opted for the steam deck over a new desktop just for lifestyle reasons. I don’t have very much free time, and what free time I have isn’t spent entirely on gaming. For me the steam decks secret weapon is that it goes from ‘off’ to ‘gaming’ in seconds, then if I’m needed, off again in seconds even mid cutscene, then when I am free again I press the button and I’m resumed. I can get some gameplay in a precious spare moment which I could never get in if I had to boot my pc, launch steam, install updates etc. it’s too slow. Also I can play anywhere in the house, which means I’m not glued like a recluse to the pc upstairs. With a pair of open backed headphones I can still interact and talk to people in the room with me, whilst not disturbing someone watching the tv (I recommend the Koss KSC75s, super cheap, sound good and they fit in the weird hollow in the back of the deck case when you’re not using them). I do have a usb c dock with connected screens and mouse and keyboard which I could plug the deck into for a desktop style pc experience, it works well but I don’t often plug it in. It’s just better to play on the sofa. For me it’s the only way I’d find any time at all to game. 10 years ago: different story, but now, if I had a desktop pc it would just gather dust.

  • Suggestion, when the mines close, the workers should be given a golden handshake (not the execs as is usual), generous enough to live on for their lives in dignity.

    Ideally this should be paid for by the coal mining companies that exploited the coal workers to extract coal and profit, at the cost of the environment and often their worker’s health, the same companies who having made their buck are now pulling out and leaving their workers high and dry. But even if the golden handshake is paid for by the government it seems to me that compared to the $Bns that it costs for a new generation of nuclear power plants (before even considering running costs, waste management costs and decommissioning costs) paying off a few coal miners is a reasonable investment to prevent sudden decline of the coal mining communities and the types of resentment that decline and abandonment causes towards a greener future and the rise of reactionary politics we see on the back of that.

  • Unusual conclusion of my post. I was suggesting that you’re being pretty callous with respect to people with limited options available to them, who are about to experience some hardship.

    You didn’t address the many non American workers that are affected (there is a world of people outside America). Even within America, though training for IT might be a slightly flippant example even talking about training for solar or other programs; for the vast majority of workers the retraining is for jobs that don’t exist within their communities, near their families and responsibilities and is often not appropriate for their skills. It’s nothing to do with being scared of change and everything to do with real world material conditions.

    Nobody said anything about banning alternative energy, that’s your moon logic, not mine. I was just suggesting a little compassion for these workers who have provided an important service to society (you want your hospital to have electrical power right?) in unpleasant conditions and who are vilified for wanting to keep earning the money that they need to exist when no other option is given them.