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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 23rd, 2023


  • Yes zipper merging happens, but ultimately in any kind of traffic flow situation it only takes one person to fuck it up. Instead of being reactionary and blaming “bad drivers,” try to take a step back and realize that a transportation system that relies on millions of individual actors, having perfect information and behaving rationally is hopelessly flawed, regardless of the nationality of the drivers.

  • Right. I agree that in our current society, AI is net-loss for most of us. There will be a few lucky ones that will almost certainly be paid more then they are now, but that will be at the cost of everyone else, and even they will certainly be paid less then the share-holders and executives. The end result is a much lower quality of life for basically everyone. Remember what the Luddites were actually protesting and you’ll see how AI is no different.

  • I don’t think you are disturbed by AI, but y Capitalism doing anything they can to pay you as little as possible. From a pure value* perspective assuming your niche skills in c++ are useful*, you have nothing to worry about. You should be paid the same regardless. But in our society, if you being replaced by someone “good enough”, will work for the business then yes you should be worried. But AI isn’t the thing you should be upset by.

    *This is obviously subjective, but the existence of AI with you troubleshooting vs fully replacing you is out of scope here.

  • 4chan makes fun of itself you arn’t going to add anything there. The purpose of this community “greentext” is to take a specific style of post that 4chan uses (that is almost certainly an absurd joke and not the secret desires of the poster) and join in on the joke. Kind of like how “memes” work.