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Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: March 12th, 2024

  • Oh there is

    Dioxins are a group of chemically related compounds that persistently pollute the environment. Here are some key facts about dioxins: Toxicity: Dioxins are highly toxic and can cause a range of health issues. They can: Reproductive and Developmental Problems: Affect reproductive and developmental processes. Immune System Damage: Interfere with the immune system. Hormonal Disruption: Disrupt hormones. Cancer: Potentially lead to cancer. Sources: Dioxins are mainly by-products of industrial processes, but they can also result from natural events like volcanic eruptions and forest fires. Uncontrolled waste incinerators are significant contributors to environmental dioxin release. Food Chain Accumulation: Dioxins accumulate in the food chain, especially in fatty tissues of animals. Over 90% of human exposure occurs through food, including meat, dairy products, fish, and shellfish. Global Distribution: Although dioxin formation is local, their distribution is global. High levels are found in soils, sediments, and certain foods.

  • Again, no such a thing as a neutral space or platform, case in point, reddit with its gated communities and the lack of control over what people does with the platform is in fact creating safe spaces for these kind of things. This may not be inentional, but it ultimately leads towards the radicalization of many people, it’s a design choice followed by the internal policy of the admins who can decide to let these communities be on one of the mainstream websites. If you’re unsure about what to think, delving deep into these subreddits has the effect of radicalising you, whereas in a normal space you wouldn’t be able o do it as easily. Since this counts as engagement, reddit can suggest similar forums, leading via algorhitms to a path of radicalisation. This is why a site that claims to be neutra is’t truly neutral.

    This is an example of alt-right pipeline that reddit succesfully mastered:

    The alt-right pipeline (also called the alt-right rabbit hole) is a proposed conceptual model regarding internet radicalization toward the alt-right movement. It describes a phenomenon in which consuming provocative right-wing political content, such as antifeminist or anti-SJW ideas, gradually increases exposure to the alt-right or similar far-right politics. It posits that this interaction takes place due to the interconnected nature of political commentators and online communities, allowing members of one audience or community to discover more extreme groups (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alt-right_pipeline)

    And yet you keep comparing cultural and media consumption to a physical infrastructure, which is regulated as to prevent what you mentioned, an unsafe management of the terrain for instace. So taking your examples as you wanted, you may just prove that regulations can in fact exist and private companies or citizens are supposed to follow them. Since social media started to use personalisation and predictive algorhitms, they also behave as editors, handling and selecting the content that users see. Why woul they not be partly responsible based on your argument?

  • I sincerely hate being invited to one of these huge celebrations, I have to prepare for hours before even starting, wearing clothes that I dislike, at some point I am asked to eat for much longer that usual for nor foreseeable reason. I just eat two small dishes for lunch and 1 and a half for dinner, but I’ve been in parties where the whole lunch was about 8 consecutive dishes. So over the top. And if you don’t eat anything you’re probably sitting in a corner since you’re one of the few, and when you have hundreds of people in an extra lavish wedding, you end up talking to someone who you never even knew but pretend to do so. After keeping you stuck there for a whole day you’re finally home. Am I relaxed? Not really. The last wedding I was invited in we weren’t treated properly, on top of having to gift something expensive, wearing fine clothes just for that day and taking hours. Not to mention how drunk some of these people can get. Was it pleasant? No. It wasn’t. Also I have a will that I’d wish were respected a little bit more, especially if I have to get back home for other reasons.

  • Also about this line:

    Others, meanwhile, jumped to Murati’s defense, arguing that if you’ve ever published anything to the internet, you should be perfectly fine with AI companies gobbling it up.

    No I am not fine. When I wrote that stuff and those researches in old phpbb forums I did not do it with the knowledge of a future machine learning system eating it up without my consent. I never gave consent for that despite it being publicly available, because this would be a designation of use that wouldn’t exist back than. Many other things are also publicly available, but some a re copyrighted, on the same basis: you can publish and share content upon conditions that are defined by the creator of the content. What’s that, when I use zlibrary I am evil for pirating content but openai can do it just fine due to their huge wallets? Guess what, this will eventually creating a crisis of trust, a tragedy of the commons if you will when enough ai generated content will build the bulk of your future Internet search! Do we even want this?

  • Obviously nobody fully knows where so much training data come from. They used Web scraping tool like there’s no tomorrow before, with that amount if informations you can’t tell where all the training material come from. Which doesn’t mean that the tool is unreliable, but that we don’t truly why it’s that good, unless you can somehow access all the layers of the digital brains operating these machines; that isn’t doable in closed source model so we can only speculate. This is what is called a black box and we use this because we trust the output enough to do it. Knowing in details the process behind each query would thus be taxing. Anyway…I’m starting to see more and more ai generated content, YouTube is slowly but surely losing significance and importance as I don’t search informations there any longer, ai being one of the reasons for this.

  • I noticed since at least a couple of years a pervasive and ever more widespread campaign against representation and lgbtq rights, and the early phase passed through apparently meaningless but popular thing like pop culture and gaming, including the social media sphere at large.

    But this time, they’re aiming for a much larger political action, and their tools aren’t the ones of entertainment media but those of traditional values. They appeal to things they know for being popular and still largely followed, like religions and whatever moves around it.

    The trend is clearly there, before our very eyes, and yet we still don’t take action. I don’t know if I have such a strong identity, you know, and for this exact reason I don’t want to see this much people suffer. On top of a political crisis this is an empathy one too, IMHO.