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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: October 5th, 2023


  • I’m not against criticism, certainly the number of downvotes suggests I phrased it poorly or should have kept my views to myself.

    I tried to present my views in a neutral manner without accusation. I used the term reflect because as you state I have no idea of the user’s situation so it’s for them to reflect.

    I used a separate paragraph for the reference to hygiene in order to make a distinction between what I did and did not know. What I had hoped to raise was the distinction between hygiene and just applying masking products. But I didn’t know how to communicate that without being more specific.

    I apologise if I caused offense. None was intended. I’m some random person online, my views are my own, if I have caused offense I hope that can be easily dismissed as just another provocative voice online.

  • I did read the article. The context of the statement you’ve picked out is as follows

    Dodgy driving – covering such reported infringements as speeding, jumping a red light, overtaking on double white lines or ignoring the humble pedestrian crossing – was more likely to be a factor when a Subaru, Porsche and BMW was involved than a Skoda or Hyundai.

    The authors have hand picked these items but they don’t say that these behaviours are exclusively what’s defined as risky or aggressive behaviour.

    I agree with your statement:

    Anyone who overtakes on a double centreline is an utter twat and well deserves to be called dangerous.

    I’m not sure if you thought I was implying otherwise?

  • This article just reads that the authors have solely set out to draw the conclusion they’d already decided upon.

     A study of more than 400,000 UK road accidents found that when “risky or aggressive manoeuvres” played a part in collisions, there was a significant statistical difference in driver culpability across different brands.

    While I completely understand why the drivers are considered culpable for making risky or aggressive maneuvers. What I would be interested in is the circumstances that led them to making those maneuvers.

    My own experience is that I only overtake (which I presume is considered risky?) when I’m behind a vehicle driving well below the speed that the road and weather conditions permit.

    So while I am responsible for an incident that may occur due to my choice to overtake I do think consideration should be paid to what caused that manoeuvre.