Rojo27 [he/him]

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Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 29th, 2020

  • Back on track this week. Went to the gym 3 times, running twice, doing as many miles walking as I can. Upping the intensity on my workouts and it’s kinda been kicking my assagony-turbo

    Unfortunately I’ve put some weight back on since I’m back to eating out more. Need to do more to get myself in a good place with my diet.

    For July I just want to keep the consistency going with my workouts. Eat a lot better too. And on a smaller note now that my gym no longer has rowing machines, I want to master the skierg. It’s a weird machine that almost looks like a standing rowing machine which emulates a skiing motion. On a rowing machine I had been able to go about 10 minutes. On my first go on the skierg I went about 3 lol.

  • First week back at work was pretty good. Didn’t go to the gym nearly as much as I wanted, but still got in a few runs during the week. Diet since I’ve been back has also been ok. Still mostly the same stuff I was eating before, but I’m burning off those calories a lot more.

    And I’m actually just about to hit my first milestone in my weight loss journey. Down in the 8-10lbs lost range so I’m really happy about that. Only problem is that I thought it’d help with my knee pain, but its looking more and more like I might just have a big of a muscle imbalance, which is causing my knee cap to rub against bone, aka runner’s knee. Thinking of how exactly I’m going to correct it. Massaging seems to help a lot temporarily, but as soon as I sit for more than 10 minutes my knee starts to bark. If I can’t do anything to improve it in the next week or two I may end up going to a doctor to see what I can do.

    Socially I’m hoping to reconnect with my friends some time during the week. Had a convo with one about a month ago, but I really want to see if we can hangout since we used to hangout almost every night when we worked together. Also trying to see if I can hang out with my crush. Finally feels like I’ve finally gotten in a bit of a groove and things are looking up. We’ve been getting a bit more affectionate and now that she’s on her own break from work we’ve been texting just about everyday since she left work midweek.

  • Worked out 6 of the past 8 days and feeling swole-doge

    Took advantage of my PTO to get going again and I went on either a run or the gym as much as I could. Mostly doing cardio (jogging, treadmill, or stair machine), but also hit the rowing machine and some kettle bell exercises as well.

    Biggest thing now that I’m back at work is that I’ve got to really find a way to be consistent. Planning on going on a run after work tomorrow since I get out pretty early. I’ll probably hit the gym on my day off and then things get tricky. I want to be sure to get enough sleep, but I also want to get up early enough that I don’t have to stress on time.

  • Been slacking just a bit for the past few weeks. My dad’s health has been up and down and my mom is recovering from surgery. So I’ve a lot more to do at home, which I guess has help with staying relatively in shape since some of it involves lifting heavy stuff. I also have weights at home so I worked out with them on a semi-regular basis.

    I think the best thing that I can say has happened in the past week, and over the past month of May, is just getting closer to my crush again. We’re both a bit flakey (sounds bad, but don’t know how else to describe it lol) so we’ve kind of been all over the place in so far as how we act around each other, but we’re back to hugging just about every day.

    I’m hoping to get back on track with my workouts. I’m taking PTO and I’m using it to get back in the swing of things. So far so good. Yesterday went on a run. Kind of surprised that I haven’t really lost much there with how I hadn’t been running for the past month. I’d even say it was my best run to date. Today went on another run and then to the gym. Again, felt good. So I hope to keep it up with at least a daily run and maybe the gym every other day. Just feels like its tough with how my schedule is structured at the moment.

    So goals/priorities for June. Mainly just getting in the habit of working out. Also trying to hang out with friends/family more since the weather is nice.

  • Went to the gym for the first time in a few months and feel pretty good. Plan on going at least 3 times a week from now on.

    I also continued running and my stamina is getting better. When I started I was able to do 4 miles, but with a lot of pausing. I cut my runs down to 2 miles and focused on trying to complete the entire run without stopping. Last week I hit my personal best 8:59 mile, with a bit of a pause about mile 1.2. Decided to pull back a bit and finished the entire 2 mile run with a pace at about 10 minutes. I felt like going a bit further even, but didn’t have enough time since I had to get ready for work.

  • April was very ok.

    Physically fine. Got a modest amount of my workouts done, but certainly without the consistency of the previous month. Weight has stayed stable, which I don’t mind a ton. Ideally I would have liked to have seen some progress, but the most important thing for me right now is feeling good. When I’ve been at the weight I’m at right now in the past I’ve felt sluggish and heavy. Don’t feel like that right now.

    Mentally has been a bit of a struggle. I just feel like the daily grind is getting to me a bit. Even when good stuff happens my mind can’t help but wander about and end up in a sea of negativity. Like I went out for a few drinks with a couple of people this past Friday and in the moment it was fine. But afterwards I just started thinking about past relationships and prospective ones and felt kind of sad about not building better relationships.

    Anyway for this upcoming week my main goals are mainly to get back on track with my weight goal. With the weather improving I’ll probably start running more consistently. I also want to start going to the gym again. I also want to cut out more of the junk that I’ve been eating for lunch lately. Went grocery shopping for some stuff to make myself some lunches. Want to start off with at least 2 lunches a week from home.

  • Mixing a couple of break days to give my body a bit more of a chance to recover. Still mostly doing some light weightlifting for about 15-20 minutes on most days and running when the weather allows it. Currently resting on what’s been my longest run so far (~4-5 miles or 6-8km). Also had my fastest pace. Been improving and I’m down to about 10min/mi from about 13 when I started. Knee pain has improved with every run also.

    As for my goals for April, mainly maintain consistency in the frequency of my workouts. Also hope to start jogging as part of my commute home.

    Dietwise I want to cut down more on fast food, which so far is probably my biggest obstacle in losing weight. I’ve been stable for the past 3 months, which while not ideal, also isn’t the worst thing as I actually feel pretty good now.

    In so far as my mental health/social life I want to keep on opening up to my coworkers and reconnecting with friends. I already started taking more breaks in the breakroom. And I’ve already gotten back in contact with one of my friends from the past and we had a great conversation.

  • Went through the motions for a few days and went 2-3 days without really working out.

    Haven’t been getting great sleep, so that doesn’t help, but there a certain circumstances around that that I can’t control.

    Also haven’t been running because the temperature has dropped again and we’ve had rain around.

    Past two days have finally been nice, but the laziness has caught on a bit. I did workout after work yesterday though so I hope to get back on track.

  • Last week my workout streak broke at around 13-14 days. Been back on it since though, so that’s progress compared to what happened in the past.

    Been running just about every other day. So far mostly just short 2-4 mile runs. I’m trying to find the right pace for myself as I build my stamina back up from where its been the past few years. I’m floating between 11-12 minutes/mile. If I can keep it up I’ll probably do more miles and mix in some interval running as well.

    I’m hoping to lose some weight, but so far I haven’t made enough changes in my diet to really see much change. I still feel real good right now though, I have way more full of energy compared to even a month ago.

  • On a workout streak for 6-7 days. Don’t really have a particular routine locked down. As of right now I’m mostly just doing some basic weight lifting with dumbbells and a kettlebell as well as 30-50 minutes sessions on a stationary bike at home.

    I want to start running as well. Might just go to the gym and run a treadmill while the weather outside warms up. I’ll get back to using the rowing machine as well.

    While I feel tired, I’m also starting to feel a lot better overall. I was at the point where I was starting to feel a bit sluggish. So I’m hoping to stay on this positive trend. As for my goals, I hope to make more permanent changes to my workout routine and diet. These past few years I’ve been yo-yoing between being relatively fit and bordering on being unhealthy.