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Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: December 19th, 2023

  • I’ve used a few appimages for limited cases - BalenaEtcher to burn HomeAssistant on to SD cards for my Raspberry Pi, and I think the scanning software I use is also an AppImage. The idea of having the libraries and binaries all together for certain things is a good one for certain cases

    This very much, I use an appimage for gimp because I’m not fucking putting GTK2 in my system lol.

    Also if steam came as an appimage with the 32bit libs and a patched glibc it would be amazing, it would save so many headaches for everybody, one can only wish though.

    Also they support a portable home, so steam can be on a different partition with all the games and its own user files independent of the distro/home you are using.

  • Early access releases are effectively SOLD, they fucked around with manifest/build files, abused GPL to go after some forks back when they were Citra, attacked other forks/emulators then benefitted from their work and even replicated their practices (like CEMU’s patreon), etc

    Source on this?

    Also saying that EA was being sold is false, they were shipping precompiled binaries with the EA branches for the patrons, they were actually using the people that paid them for testing lol.

    If you used linux there was even an Aur package that built yuzu ea for you, which I quickly stopped using because EA was just the equivalent of the testing repo of archlinux, if you ever read their updates on their main discord, half the time the next EA release just removed a PR that broke something after release.

    Progress reports timed suspiciously close to major Nintendo first-party releases

    They only made progress reports once a month lol, and iirc the progress report for totk was several weeks after release even.

    Its presence on the OFFICIAL Android play store rather than an apk competes with Nintendo’s own Android games (undermining both those and the Switch)

    Nothing wrong here, even dolphin has a official apk on the playstore, and yuzu actually even released a non playstore apk for people like me with an ungoogled phone lol.

    Extensive telemetry, itself juicy data that could be sold for advertisers, on top of Nintendo’s own built-in telemetry that’s also sent

    Bullshit, their logs only contain info about the hardware, which is something you need to debug lol, Ryu logs are the same.

    ATTEMPTED to make a competitor to the Switch Online service, using files from an external preservation group, and it would have been a PAID service, and the subscription MORE EXPENSIVE than Nintendo’s actual service (it was $60 something) despite smaller compatibility, for games still online, as a CLOSED-SOURCE FORK of a GPL PROJECT so that players don’t actually set up their own custom servers to avoid paying Yuzu’s pittance. When there was backlash, they REMOVED all traces of online emulation after they couldn’t profit off it.

    I also want a source on this.

  • Oh I can tell you that zram will not result in an OOM that zswap would prevent:

    I once ran into a bug when using foobar2000 with wine to convert my music library that resulted in an insanely high ram usage, like my 16 GIB ram was filled and then my 32 GIB zram was also filled and the PC froze.

    I just went and edited my zram config to make my zram 48GIB and ran foobar again, it ended the conversion without issue kek. No idea wtf happened but whatever data was being written in memory was being compressed good by zRAM, like very few people would even use a swap partition or file that is more than 32 GIB to begin with.

    I also tested running Zelda tears of the kingdom in yuzu using 4GiB of ram with a big zram and it worked, that game in yuzu is a ramhog and on windows people need 16 GiB of ram and they still max out their swapfile.

    There is also a vid on yt titled zram vs windows pagefile where a user running endevour demostrates how zram can take a bunch of Minecraft mods while windows with the help its of pagefile cant

    Edit: Here is the vid: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nMYTBsjeoTc

  • The issue with many of those distros is that it usually means that you have to install everything from 0.

    Arch is good at this because the archinstall script speeds it up and you don’t have to choose a DE. But with other distros that use a graphical installer, you are forced to use whatever they ship as the default desktop environment.

    edit: And holy shit properly configuring Btrfs subvolumes from 0 is something that I tried with voidlinux and I ended up breaking the entire install.

  • alias totally works, but if you want to simplify it for multiple package managers then it is better to use a script.

    Like this example that when the user types pkginstall vim, pkginstall would be a script in path that would do the operation regarless of the package manager:

    # Install with 'pacman' (if available)
    if command -v pacman >/dev/null 2>&1; then
        sudo pacman -S $@ || exit 1
    # Install with 'apt' (if available)
    if command -v apt >/dev/null 2>&1; then
        sudo apt install $@ || exit 1
    # Install with 'dnf' (if available)
    if command -v dnf >/dev/null 2>&1; then
        sudo dnf install $@ || exit 1

    They could even install it in their ~/.local/bin, and as long as their distro makes that part of PATH (which arch does not kek) by just using that same home with another distro they already could install/remove packages and update using those wrapper scripts regardless of the distro.

    If you are wondering why the script needs to check if the package manager exists, it is because when testing it I discovered that if the first one is not installed it will cancel the operation and not continue, and if I remove the exit 1 it will attempt to use the next package manager when canceling the operation with ctrl+c.

  • Oh I totally agree with that. But I don’t think the regular a new user should be using CLI tools to install packages. There are plenty of GUI tools that should be doing that for you instead.

    And if they did, it should be very simplified with a wrapper script like in the example above, iirc the common command update-grub is a wrapper script that simplifies it, it is a shame this isn’t more common with other tasks.

    This could be even standardized, like regardless of the distro if you type installpkg vim, the installpkg script would do something like this that will run it thru the most popular packages managers to do the simple operation:

    # Install with 'pacman' (if available)
    if command -v pacman >/dev/null 2>&1; then
        sudo pacman -S $@ || exit 1
    # Install with 'apt' (if available)
    if command -v apt >/dev/null 2>&1; then
        sudo apt install $@ || exit 1
    # Install with 'dnf' (if available)
    if command -v dnf >/dev/null 2>&1; then
        sudo dnf install $@ || exit 1
    echo "No package manager found"