• 90 Posts
Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: February 5th, 2024


  • Depends on the “raised bed” if you just do some board on the ground to make the dirt higher, the plants can still escape. If you have a raised “garden” where its soil in separate container raised off the ground, it’s fine. But it sounds like you want the former, not the latter, so don’t plant spreading stuff in them.

  • I don’t know if it’s soil or straw in the bottom as well, but it sounds like mounding the potatoes with straw instead of dirt works pretty well. Some potatoes you need to add dirt (or straw in this case) every couple weeks). I haven’t done potatoes myself, just what I’ve seen growmies doing.

  • I watched the whole thing.

    I’m guessing there was lots of failures, obvs sharing them isn’t all that interesting to most people, and unfortunately being candid can also back fire. Some people can’t understand the concept of “failure” especially when some plants only have a germination rate of 10% and he also isn’t growing them in their local habitat either, which makes it harder.

    Kudos to him though, I’ve wanted to mess around with more plants in aeroponics myself. Maybe even make a pipe wall with some ornamental plants in it.

  • Songs are captioned in TV though and I see them include lyrics (when no characters are speaking) or a song title.

    I’ve never heard of that, or have I seen that in ANY media I’ve watched, got a source?

    Either you don’t understand what the word precedence means or (more likely) you’re deliberately missing the point so you can do what your post history is full of.

    Uhh… what…? Clearly you don’t, precedence means that it sets the bar for all others, (please provide whatever you’re using for a definition so maybe this can be cleared up and you can maybe show you aren’t a troll and actually meant to have a conversation) if nothing closed captions songs… how can that be precedence for it? If anything it’s precedence that nothing needs to do it, since anything with CC doesn’t do songs… again hence the shooting yourself in the foot with your point… but it’s not surprising you would need this explained again.

    It’s funny, I didn’t go through your post history, since it isn’t relevant to the conversation at hand, but there’s multiple things wrong with this yeesh. A, you also have comments that come out that way, it’s literally a personal perspective/opinion…. Fucking yikes if you need this pointed out…. and B it’s fallacious and is done to attack someone’s character instead of the points at hand.

    Why do you people always resort to stuff like this when backed into a corner…? You clearly have zero understanding of the topic, and talking about something completely irrelevant like it is, is only detrimental to any ACTUAL conversations happening. Common troll tactic, again, fucking yeesh lol.

  • Those words never came out of my mouth you petulant troll.

    You kept repeating the phrase, and I kept ignoring it since it was the most obvious bait ever.

    I get some people like what you do here, but you also cause a larger amount of people shit with your on and off ignorance. It’s obvious its attention seeking, get off social media and read a fucking book or do something with your “sad pitiful” life. You’re not incapable of working if you can spend this much time commenting on fucking social media.

    Yeesh dude….

  • It does shit me that older programs they could/can just put the treble clef symbol for music as you mentioned though.

    Old…? That’s the point dude, they still do it since there is no requirement (even in fucking tv) to cc music. Wow…. Music has NEVER EVER FUCKING BEEN CLOSED CAPTIONED.


    There is zero precedent and your point is just wrong, your example they don’t even CC the music in it… so how is it precedent for it on radio. Fucking yeesh. Your example actually proves there is absolutely zero precedent on anything for music closed captioning…. Hence shooting your fucking foot with your own point… can you comprehend that now? Or does it need to be explained even more simply for you……?