Just so as I am clear. What was the discourse that was going off rails so I know what kinda stuff to avoid doing in the future.
Just so as I am clear. What was the discourse that was going off rails so I know what kinda stuff to avoid doing in the future.
I am going to parry you so hard for that. That’s a lie. My parry timing is whack
I have been reading the vampire hunter D books. The writing is objectively awful but for some reason I love every bit of it deeply and i cannot explain this
So Luigi and Mario are twink and bear?
I will be forever upset we don’t get the trans M. BIson we deserve. I want to see one of his dolls doing drag king Raul Julia. It could be glorious.
They gave up ruby rod as an cast member in 6. So I know they are willing to have fun. With it. We got voice training seth.
I want M. Bison to transition to female using psycho power. Then dress up as Raul Juila playing M. Bison. I am talking pencil mustashe. Martini in had. It would be the most amazing thing.
Nash representation.
I am going to a psl event. What are some good psl jokes?