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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 5th, 2023


  • We’ve never had a pair of candidates this unpopular. (Maybe Trump vs Clinton)
    If the Dems had any kind of brains, they absolutely would pick someone else at the convention.
    Just not Harris; She might be the only one, less popular than Biden is.

    Trump has his evangelicals, they’re a done deal. His others voters are a “tear down the system” vote. People who are tired of being fucked over, no matter who’s in office. They see him as the “worse” things need to get, before they can get better; And they may be right.
    If the Dems picked a genuine progressive, who offered several big radical changes (that we all know the ownership class hates), they would take a lot of votes from trump. They would win.

    But I doubt they’d do it.
    The only thing more scary to Dems than Trump, is a genuine progressive.

  • Here’s all the changes.

    Literally anyone could’ve been a contender. We don’t know who they are, because the party never wanted to seriously entertain anyone other than Biden.

    Contrast that with what the Republicans did. They had several debates with anyone who felt like giving it a shot. Trump decided he didn’t need participate, and was right. The Democrats could have done similar but refused to.

    Biden is too elderly. Trump is too many kinds of wrong. Most people know this. If the Democratic party figures out that Biden is almost the only candates weaker than trump, they’ll be able to win.