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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 2nd, 2023


  • Except one group was clearly attacked and murdered based on unfounded racist fear and nationalism eager for “others” to feed the fascist machine, and the other group willingly chose to abandon critical thinking and defy the recommendations of the medical science community doing its level best to fight a novel and deadly contagion. The Jews were “asked” to wear yellow stars and rounded up because of who they were. That was indefensible. The Communists were rounded up because they were political opponents of the NSDAP. That was indefensible. Modern citizens across the world were required or asked to wear masks, observe a larger personal space bubble, and quarantine for the safety of everyone by governments large and small across the world in an effort to protect everyone from a virus that doesn’t know or care about the political leanings of its victims. Individuals willingly defiant of such measures intentionally and recklessly put everyone’s health and safety at risk, to deadly effect in some cases. That is indefensible.

  • l’ll speak up for airplanes, or at least airliners in particular. I concede the point they mostly burn non-renewable fuels, but they make excellent use of the resources. Rhetorically speaking, one can cross half the planet in half a day, for not much money, in a mode of transport that is the safest on the planet (typically an order of magnitude safer than cars as I recall).

  • I kill them with a spray bottle filled with 70% isopropyl alcohol. The mist is difficult to avoid, and once they’re knocked down, I drown them with a few more blasts. I think the surface tension of the alcohol is able to permeate the tiny holes (spiracles) that would normally keep water out of their respiratory system. No guts, just wipe away the fly’s body and any excess alcohol. Anything you miss will simply evaporate. Bonus: 70% isopropyl alcohol is a disinfectant, so you’ve already helped clean any disease the fly may have been carrying.