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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: August 30th, 2023


  • Right, but the lower tax burden isnt worth the authoritarianism. The assholes who can stomach sacrificing poor minorities and immigrants for a few gimme policies are not doing something noble. These are politicians we’re talking about. They’re not here for us. They’re here for themselves, and they are lying and antagonizing in order to get power because they know what people want and what certain people are afraid of. Their goal is to bait people with fear, entice them with populism and then…what? You catch more flies with honey and a hatred of honeybees.

  • Not to mention, Biden literally said he’d only run once. Because he’s fuckin old. And would be four years older and less coherent four years after “saving the country” from trump. He acted like it was his duty, as the democrats said, as the most “electable” democrat that would definitely be able to oust trump. But, lo and behold, here we are, four years later, with a Biden four years older and four years more senile, making the 72 year old trump look like the coherent one—and refusing to step down. Even though we all saw these problems coming half s goddamn decade ago.

    And this is exactly what we were saying four years ago. If I never deleted my Reddit account, I’d pull up comments I made during the election where I was saying, “Biden is going make trump look like he’s more coherent.” And, while that was definitely true back in 2020, it’s quadruply true four years later.

    What a stone cold disaster we are headed for.

  • Yeah, the problem is the democrats have no one that’s remotely popular enough or likeable enough that they trust to make the candidate. We all know we’d like to see Bernie as the candidate, but that’d never happen in a million years when we’re talking about party-installed replacements. Because they don’t want him to be the head of the Democratic Party. They’d literally rather the country fall to fascism. Which….says quite a lot.

    We all know Kamala would be a disaster, and it’d be a massive problem that the right could jump on if the Democratic Party just put someone else there without primaries—which they absolutely shouldve fucking held. Who’d have ever thought that would make sense?!

    But who knows, Biden is so incredibly botching this, that it’d probably be a better idea to gamble on someone else even in that uphill scenario. What the fuck ever, I can’t even bare to watch this shit.

  • No. You’re missing the point of what was said. It’s not “new technology will destroy integrity.” All of the tech he’s talking about he talks about from experience. He’s discussing how companies are bastardizing technological advancements for profit. And selling the soul of what’s meant to be human expression for a more guaranteed return. This isn’t an old guy vs the youth thing. It’s a music guy speaking on what is happening with late stage capitalism in the music industry.

    Now, a legitimate criticism is his whole thing about how it was better to have to work for money to save up to buy records. I mean, sure, there is a marked difference in the way people consume music nowadays and it has (again, thanks to capitalism) morphed into what is most likely to catch people’s attention, what can be the most TikTok friendly, etc.

    It’s the focus on catchy singles in an attention economy instead of cohesive albums. But the upside that he missed to both of these is that while, yes, the democratization of pro-quality tools does make music easier to make and thus is done to homogenize a lot of music—but this can also be a good thing. In commercial music, it’s a big downside because pop music is now basically engineered to be as earwormy as possible. But it’s also a huge upside because now anyone, regardless of privilege, can create. That does flood us all with endless subpar bullshit, but it also allows small artists to be heard without some corporate fuckin record label holding those keys. He doesn’t go into that, and he overlooks the upsides to this. But the video was “what’s wrong with music,” so maybe he’d agree, but he doesn’t mention it and that’s a big failure on his part.

  • Did you watch the video? Because that’s not really what he was saying. He was talking about how we consume music and how the studios and basically capitalism have “streamlined” and bastardized what is meant to be art. He’s talking almost exclusively about how capitalism has robbed us of human connection, how vampiric companies stopped paying to make things that cost more using human musicians in order to sterilize the music for broader appeal and to maximize profits.

    Is that…something you disagree with? This is enshittification. Right here. This is a 100% match for the community you’re in. Don’t like that concept? Don’t interact with this community, basically.

  • I dunno about you guys, but using a rideshare app, I’ve been canceled on numerous times, by multiple drivers. Often at the last minute, when maybe he app thinks they’re taking too long to reach me? I had a driver I was watching get closer and closer to me, and when they were around the corner the app changed my driver to someone a couple miles away. That shit didn’t happen with taxis because we weren’t reliant on some shitty algorithm that is only coldly making the most rides happen per minute to get higher margins for the company.

    There are definitely drawbacks to the old school cab system, but I don’t like the app system. Sure, the meter would go up as you drive and sometimes you’d have to have an idea of where you’re going to not get screwed by a dishonest driver, but the app also randomly charges way more for the same ride depending on the app’s fuckin mood.

    Crazy what we’ve let private companies do just because they marginally made our lives somewhat more convenient (on the surface).

  • You don’t think Biden would criticize a KKK march? A neo Nazi march? Biden criticized Jan 6. How about an anti lgbtq march? Westboro baptist?

    I’m just saying, you’re considering this one instance and painting with too broad a brush. Have you only been alive for trump and Biden? Not all US presidents endorse everything bad. They even stand up against a lot of them, typically. Your comment just reads like you’re really young and can’t think past Israel. There are plenty of things neoliberals are at least performatively on the moral side of—social issues, anyway. 2/3 past presidents would’ve spoken out against a lot of things you (most likely) hate.