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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 18th, 2023


  • And that’s why I specifically highlighted the potential for an American coup which he and the democrats have fundamentally not addressed, It wouldn’t matter if he was the most perfect president ever, without addressing fundamental procedural flaws in how our democracy works there is no point to any of it.

    They’ve let this be memory holed, it was just a bunch of individual idiots and the FBI is catching them, nothing else to see, when there are literal traitors in congress and flaws to exploit.

    We are a knifes edge from fascism (if pence had gotten into the car or chosen loyalty to trump we would have fallen already) and the administration has failed to center the fundamental fixes it would take to prevent it from happening again.

  • Where’s the great president?

    Biden isn’t the worst, he’s a milquetoast compromiser, minor social programs that don’t change the status quo of rising homelessness, out of control rent and home prices, rising medical costs, rising child care costs, rising food costs, raising car costs, rising just living costs.

    America is rapidly fraying at the edges and his team are still talking about how good the economy is.

    But forget all that, on January 6th America came literally 1 vice president away from a fascist coup and nothing procedurally has changed to stop it from happening again, instead the republicans have spent 4 years learning from their narrow defeat and making steps to ensure that they win next time.

    Great leaders solve fundamental issues with their system, not maintain the failing status quo…

  • They are spending 150million that is 1442x what they are losing, even if their enforcement is reducing the number of fare jumpers it would take basically everyone jumping the line to make up the difference.

    They’d save money just by eating the cost…

    I cannot see how this ever economically works out.

    Got some more numbers, this meme (surprise) isn’t telling the whole story. I’m still not saying it works out, but it’s not this simple.

    Okay so the MTA has a budget of 19billion, of which $6.870 billion comes from fares, in 2022 they lost $285million in subway fares, and the police caught 105,000 people in 2023.

    I cannot find where the $104k number is coming from, I assume that’s the total amount owed by those they caught, but if they caught 105k people that’s only a dollar a person so I don’t know if it’s that low or I’m misunderstanding the $104k number.

    Again not saying it works out, but I’m not smart enough to do that math…

  • Right wingers are going to lose their minds over this, but that scares me more than amuses me at the moment.

    They will lose their minds over literally anything, they created this whole conspiracy out of thin air and hatred of women.

    Someone already got decapitated by their son over MAGA conspiracies this year, so meming about it feels really really reckless to me.

    That happened anyway, avoiding making fun of them (by pointing out what they say is nonsense) won’t make their delusions go away.

  • If America can’t withstand the thuggish authoritarian incompetence of what trump promises, then it is only a waiting game to our inevitable fall to fascism.

    Burying our heads in the sand an hoping for the best won’t make that inevitable future any less inevitable…

    I hope Biden wins, but we’re just swirling the drain, we can make it take longer but we’re falling in that dark hole.

  • TheKingBee@lemmy.worldtoMicroblog Memes@lemmy.worldSo this is how democracy dies ...
    5 months ago

    As it should, I’m saying the republicans will not get better, they’ve got a roster of worse already in fact.

    That the democrats are so convinced that Biden is the only one from their party who can beat trump, is a terrifying, because I don’t know what charismatic demon the republicans are going to run next, but if Biden is the best they’ve got we’re fucked.

    The fact that the American system can’t rid itself of a virus as decrepit and criminal as trump is a warning that whoever replaces him will waltz in without hassle…