ThomasMuentzner [he/him, comrade/them]

  • 8 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: January 29th, 2021


  • there is “Passiv income class” and there is “Active income class”

    Passiv income class lifes by/ off the Active Income of OTHERS , it is inherently parasitic and it will always intent to increas its parasitic Income…

    thereby it will allways immiserate the active Income class . it is an eternal war …

    and you will instantly understand that war because YOU PErsonally would ver much like to NOT WORK but to let OTHERS WORK …

    The Passiv income class has ONE SINGLE OBJECTIV , it will increas e its PASSIV income , it will Increas the Exploitation of the ACtive income classes …

    this is the Class war . It is eternal as Communist (its describtion) … Obviously the “PASSIV INCOME CLASS” will not be interested in explaining to the moronic people that they “Life of THEIR LABOUR” and are a Parasite … so they gonna try to convince you that THEY DESERVE IT , they gonna use Ideology for that Task , they gonna tell you a story of "higgher " and “lower” humans and Determination and Indivdual Guilt of the non Privledged Active income classes …


    You are Active income (you will be by 99,9% chance) , YOU ARE AT WAR with the Passiv Income Class , that BY DEFINITION lives PARASITIC off the Masses and Will Allways seek to increase its “Passive Income” …

    as you do when you dream of riches …

  • exactly i dont know what the big issue is it leads to wisedom (do let me tell you , sometimes i think there is a evil empire out there putting out all these words out into impressional youngpeoples Mouth to confuse and Mislead them , Aliens probably)

    anyway , now that we have established “what- about -ism” as a valid instrument of Analysis , we can use it on historical data …

    On this scientific Paper , yo ucan see the generall DIFFERENT reaction of the Western Puplic towards the SAME ACT. this is very significant , and its tells us that THE ACT ist not the real issue here ! Something Else is the Issue here ! can we investigate the underlying dynamic ?

    Could there be another Set of Data ?,

    Another reference point ? ,

    That puts the Reaction to “the Act” in order ?

    Is there Something that connects all of the “mild Reaction cases” , and is there opposingly also something that conects all the “non -mild Reaction”

    we are working the Mine of Knowledge and wisdom here , do you feel it … Rich rich Soil … , we are nearly there !!! Do you Feel it allready , there is wisdom here !

    you do the last step …

    and then you see it …

    All thanks to your trusty local organic Shovel called “what about it”

    "no wonder the -'Belive Us Blindly -Conglomerat™ ’ Dont want me to use this Product , you think while you dig further , it is actually interesting ! ",

    you think , while you dig further …

  • Sorry the first reply was to “Fronting” , your on a good way , the Maidan spell sits deep , it also sat deep in me once. True Power is True Power , and if you ever heard of “Softpower” … this is it …

    That you currently belive that the “Maidan” is the great and Glorious Peoples Will" & “The Donbass revolution is is perfidious Russian lies” and against the will of the People" is US Softpower …

    if you ever heard about the Concept ,SOFTPOWER it is the ability of the US State to make you Hate somebody.

    conservative traditionalist fascistic authoritarian theocracies deserve to be wiped off the face of the earth and swept into the dustbin of history where they fucking belong.

    i think you heard about it… ,

  • Russia’s used the “turnabout is fair play” card in ‘encouraging’ ‘veterans’ to ‘volunteer’ ‘assisting’ ‘separatist insurgents’ in Donbas

    Okay so you claim that the Revolution that the left part of the Map does is Legit , and “wholisitc Peoples will” (even through its leads to Civil War ) … the REACTION of the Part of the Country that just lost THEIR FUCKING PRESIDENT AND THE RIGHT TO SPEAK THEIR OWN LANGUAGE , is just a Russian Operation ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

    Maidan : "Fuck yeah TV told me ! "

    "Slavyiansk , Odessa , Kramatosrk , Donestk , Luhansk , Mariupol , kherson , Kharkov , Dneperpetrosk , Crimea etc. all rebellling in Reaction ? " , “well thats just a russian operation , i can not forgive them !!!”

    okay imagine Canada has a Quebecian President , he then gets unconstituionally removed by Canadian Faschist in the non french speaking Capital , the New Goverment that spend all their time proclaiming their Hate for Quebecians and forbides the french Language , and you try to go around telling me that the

    "Seperatist movement gathering in Quebec is some perfidious French operation … nothing natural about it … they Love beeing bombed & hated , you have fallen for French Missinformation Sweety "

  • okay guys , so since this hole federation stuff your Pro Imperial Wrong Takes comes my way , it must be corrected …

    this is Taiwans Air Identification Zone it is a Bullshit leftover that spans so vast over china that it simply can not be not violated ,… theirby producing the most wonderfull “Permanent - Saturaton - Propaganda” of China Bad Bakround noise for the Imperial core audience in their Echo Chambers .

    PS: this is where real Journalist go in the west , when they start beeing critical of non approved subjects.

    “Good thing propaganda only ever happens to other people”