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Joined 1 年前
Cake day: 2023年6月12日


  • Nah dude. It’s not as complicated as that.

    It’s the same mentality that your neighbor has… I don’t have enough because someone else has slightly more than me. Tony across the street got the new car… so I should get a newer and better one than him!

    The .01% only hang out with each other, and they compete with each other. And they get jealous when their buddy has a cooler nuclear bunker than them, so they need that extra 10 million this year to ugprade their bunker.

    They are not evil, they are just people. And you’d behave exactly the same way in their situation. It’s how we are wired, to be stupid selfish jealous monkeys. You don’t exist to them, they are not thinking about you, only about themselves.

    Same thing when you go to your town meeting and your elderly neighbors are screaming bloody murder at their taxes going up $50 this year because they think children should go to school in unheated buildings.

  • where i live dudes have their own place and car.

    however, they don’t have a waterfront condo and 100K car, so therefore they are ‘inadequate’ or ‘unsuccessful’ according to most single women if you ask them. always their #1 complaint. and the #2 is how ‘successful’ men only use them for sex. the irony is lost on them.

    But I’m dating in my 30s.

  • Lots of ‘woke’ people are shitty people. I’ve had way too many experiences in the past few years with ‘woke’ people screaming at me about how I need to read more women authors or I’m a shitty awful human being. Or other equally absurd things, like I’m a bigot if I don’t ask you what your pronoun is. If you have a pronoun preference, how about you tell me? Just like you tell someone how to pronounce your name if it’s non-standard.

    I know lots of progressive people, and I am progressive. But I would never say I am ‘woke’. People who self-identify ‘woke’ tend to be mentally ill crazy people in my encounters, and use their politics as an excuse for abusive and hostile behavior just the way right-wing nazi nutbags do.

    Hell I even had a transwoman assault me verbally one day while I was just reading a book in a cafe. Comes up to me and demands that I give her my table because I’m a white cis guy and I should give up my ‘privileged’ to her. I told her to f off. My small business has been harassed by ‘woke’ activists who demand we give them money or they will say we are anti-black/lgbt+, etc. That’s not woke, that’s blackmail.

    Most ‘woke’ people I meet are basically 20 sometime trust-fund types who need a cause to give her their miserable lives purpose, because god knows they can’t get their shit together and do something positive with their lives. If they did maybe they’d stop being such awful abusive people who threaten and harass others.

  • It’s the protocols more than anything.

    stuff with this speeds existed already, it just wasn’t via USB. it was expensive proprietary protocols and hardware and cables. USB is an open standard design for consumer use, and not for giant corps with datacenters who can pay $2,000 for a single data cable.

    Thunderbolt is basically a data-transfer focused version of USB, and just requires a different controller that supports the new protocols to achieve the higher speeds.

    multiplexing is one way to achieve higher bandwidth and throughput over the same physical cable.