Work, play, procrastinate, and panic.

  • 4 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 8th, 2023


  • That’s cool. This sub\community is very lighthearted. It is also very international. Cool tip: if you happen to catch yourself on a word or phrase that wasn’t inert\commonplace\or a opps-i-didn’t-know-it-was-even-a-thing… I myself just take the hit, put that in my to-do box, and move on. I have plenty other funny bones to contribute.

    In a nutshell that’s the internet-- no one asks you to hide or change yourself, but flamewar can happen like a diesel truck thru a nitroglycerin factory.

  • I know in California, any activity that is distracting away lots of attention of the driver from driving, even if the activity is legal, normal, eating, fun, a minor emergency, etc… is considered a Moving Violation ticket.

    Figuring out devices, heated phone calls (hands-free included), BJ’s, applying make-up, eating, air drumming or head banging to music, passenger tantrums, looking at an accident or garage sale or other spectacle, reading, etc.
    Your last question…If for some reason a driver cannot handle a normal conversation during driving then it’s a hazard.