This movie is joke. Absolute western garbage.
This movie is joke. Absolute western garbage.
Simple: eat, drink & fuck.
After years realized it’s total waste of time. Reading books is zillion times better than playing games and watching TV. Finally realized truth which wize man said: I found gamas and TV very educational. Whenever somebody play or turn TV on, I go to other room and read.
Best F1 driver alive!
She faces UP TO 34 years in prison. I guess her sentence will be around 3 years suspended.
Germany was build by US. Who is gonna build US?
Serbian tschetnicks did the same in Bosnia 1992-1995. In addition they systematically kill civilians, raped womens and kill babies. Same old story about “ethnic cleansing”
My first was Spectrum 48kb made in UK.
If you have billion dollars, you will do same, peasants.
She need to learn difference between main and median.
Real shitpost!
Truth is always painfull. Wake up Hamas terrorists and look thruth in Eyes. Hamas deserve to be analiathed and will be, like Al-Qaeda and other terrorists groups. In civilized world there is no place for terrorists.
What genocide? Are you lucid? If not wake up.
It will be like going from one shithole to another shithole.