YearOfTheCommieDesktop [they/them]

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 12th, 2023

  • its linux tux

    just a play on the common linux refrain(/running joke, depending on who’s telling it), that “<CURRENT YEAR> will be the Year of the Linux Desktop” (ie the year that mass adoption of linux for home computers takes off in the mainstream) because of some improvement in user experience or some microsoft debacle

    also yeah tvp rocks I think its just basically soy protein (edit: can be any legume/pulse that is made into oil basically, uses the leftover protein) made into craggly crumbles that you can rehydrate. I made decent tvp “bacon” bits once too but then realized I rarely have a use for bacon bits and eventually ate most of them plain lol.

    it probably isn’t the healthiest or most ecologically perfect food but I like it. and its not like its the star of the show, its just adding protein or soaking up flavor mainly

  • what? no way. that sucks, its pretty widely available near me.

    its shelf stable and light/not bulky though so I bet ordering it online is fine. looking online it appears the brand they sell near me you can get 4 bags (3lbs total) for sub $30 which I’m pretty sure is cheaper than in-store lol

    There’s a few recipes from when I was a kid that really take well to it but I just like having a shelf stable protein too because meat and even tofu are kind of annoying when you are cooking for one and have a bad habit of going weeks without cooking a proper meal

  • This week I went to the store and bought groceries and have been eating mostly homemade meals instead of relying heavily on fast food.

    next week I hope to keep it up, go out to eat even less, and make sure to eat all the perishable foods that I bought, and pick up more fresh food late in the week.

    also doing better on cleaning/household chores, but not quite there yet. I may need some more spring and summer appropriate clothes but I want to sort through more of my mess before I commit to buying anything new. maybe thrift some shirts

  • Not on iOS but I like my yubikeys. Depending on your requirements (if you have less than 32 TOTP accounts per yubikey), they can handle your TOTP directly instead of just using them to unlock Bitwarden.

    For security I don’t like to keep my TOTP keys in my password manager, even if it is strongly protected. With a yubikey I can ensure that both access to the key AND a physical touch is necessary to generate any codes. So even if I leave it plugged in on a remotely compromised PC I’m mostly protected, because a touch is required.