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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: July 30th, 2023


  • I bought my ship and within hours realized that this game is fraudulent. This game milks whales.

    I jumped on again to see what new stuff came out and it’s just so bad. It’s 12 years old and the nav is still broken. A LOT is still broken and unreleased. How tf do they only have one solar system?

    I also played SpaceBourne 2 and it is a million times better and was built by one guy. It has a galaxy and way better navigation that actually works. It’s only $14.99.

    I think Starfields success will be Star Citizens demise. Whoever wants to get the class action started I am ready to sign.

  • Peacock Premium comes free with my 1gb internet package. It’s so much better than Netflix or Amazon. Amazon was good in 2017-18 too with The Americans and Mozart in the City but now they’ve gone dumb.

    Netflix is like 99% movies and shows I fall asleep to.

    Hulu has good stuff.

    I haven’t watched regular TV nor have bought a cable package in 20 years and I feel like I have contributed to the decline of TV and am glad because that shit was mostly garbage anyway and with the ability to cancel subscriptions on the drop of a hat maybe they’ll finally start listening and stop putting adverts in everything because that’s the biggest issue I feel people have.

    I don’t need some assholes with some shit jingle to tell me to buy anything. I’m grown, I know I need food and paper towels and medicine.

  • Well yea bait and switch is literally capitalism. We have lived with this shit cunt economic model for 40+ years. Now we won’t buy their bloated garbage because let’s face it, there is literally NOTHING good to watch so they bloat their services with D movies and hide good movies or you still have to pay for them (Amazon Prime).

    Fuck Bob Iger and every Hollywood CEO. Your legacy is trash and I feel bad for the people who are elated by it.

    People will for sure look back and say wow there was some good stuff created but it was because of writers and actors not because of shit cunt CEOs and vulture capitalist bankers.

    So fuck off streaming services while the kids go pirating again.