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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • Paraglider pilot here, so I landed among the cow my fair share of times.

    Cows are curious but shy, if you walk slowly they might come to have a look, if they get too close, something like clapping your hands is enough to have them running away. However, if the farmer didn’t took the veals the yet, they can be pretty agressive to protect their kids, in that case forgot what I said about “clapping your hand” and stay away from the herd. Note also that bull are less shy than cow.

  • From a European perspective (I use car/bicycle/train/longboard), a few pointers rather than a pro-con/list

    • The more people use a bicycle, even casually, The more it put pressures on local politician to do something

    • For short distances (<5km) in town, it’s faster than the car

    • Gloves are more important than helmet, on the couple of fall I got, gloves protected my hands, while my head didn’t hit. However, if you’re in a severe accident a helmet can make the difference so I still recommend one.

    • Beware of your clothe, if you wear black, at night, without lights, you call for problem, and I can see how even good faith motorists can hit you.

    • Paint isn’t infrastructure but at least remind the motorists that you have the right to be there. I can see how the mayor call the infrastructure director and ask them for bike lane without any budget, but it sucks

    • Be a bit agressive, and look for eye-contact before passing between car, keep distance from parked car, they can open a door, If you don’t think a car can pass you with a safe distance (small urban streets) stay in the middle of the road, and stop to the side when you can to let the car pass you.

    • A backpack, or bike pack helps a lot carrying groceries, not really an excuse

    • The problem isn’t that much the winter (unless you live on a really cold place) but the rain, good clothe can help, but still.

  • AI is being used to replace a lot of jobs, but companies usually do not want to advertise that.

    I would be careful with that statement.

    I’ve been involved in some projects about “leveraging on data” to reduce maintenance costs. And a big pitfall is that you still someone to do the job. Great, now, you know that the “Primary pump” is about to break. You still need to send a tech to replace-it, and often you have to deal with a user who can’t afford to turn the system off until the repair is done, and the you can’t let someone work alone in the area. So you end-up having to send 2 persons asap to repair the “primary pump”.

    It’s a bit better in term of planning/ressources than “Send 2 persons to diagnose what’s going wrong, get the part and do the repair”, which allows to replace engineer able to do a diagnostic by technicians able to execute a procedure (which is itself an issue as soon as you have to think out of the box). It allow to have a more dynamic “preventive maintenance planning”. So somehow, it helped cutting down the maintenance costs and improve system reliability. But in the end, you still need staff to do the repair. And I let alone, all the manpower needed to collect/process the data, hardware engineer looking on how to integrate sensor in the machines, data-engineer building a data-base able to use these data, data-scientists building efficient algorithm, product maintenance expert trying to make-sense of these data and so on.

    I feel like, a big chunk of the AI will be similar, with some jobs being cut down (or less qualified) while tons of new jobs will take over

  • I feel like you misunderstood my question,

    I talk Forged in the dark mechanic (FITD) which have a mechanic called “clock”. It’s a bit similar to long term action on traditional games where you stack success points / failure points until a long term goal is reached except that FITD uses it really everywhere no matter whether we talk about “HP”, “opening a door” “being seen by the guard”. An So it’s not about general “time in RPG” which is also an interesting discussion (especially in a game like Vampire, the threat of the dawn coming can add a lot of pressure to the PC). And like other so called “rule light games” you end-up with large rule books and mechanics that you need to follow.

    Regarding the asking question, I am not talking about meta-gaming, but question that would drag attention story wise. Without going asking question about the Kim family in North Korea, if you start asking about the local mafia, it’s likely that at some point the local mafia will hear about these persons asking questions. I took that as an example of a threat which isn’t immediate (You’re spacesuit is running out of air if you don’t make it soon to the ship you’ll die) but which is present. In a more traditional game, I could use what make sense in the story to plan the encounter with the mobsters.

  • You do the thing in the fiction; you follow the procedure in the rules. That is true in all roleplaying games, of course, but the nature of moves makes those procedures something you have permission to reference. Instead of being expected to remember some obscure rule on page 348, you are in constant engagement with these individual subsystems.

    This is a nice description of PTBA, and how despite their light rules you end up having to follow them strictly why more traditional rpg would let more room for GM interpretation of the rules. because nobody want to stall game to check the exact rule which usually isn’t in the section where you expect it.

  • Yes, it also seems that the “delete” do not federated that well, and may come late.

    However, on proprietary social media, d deleted posts are just “hidden”, and there is various way to see deleted, moderated posts.

    Despite laws like"right to be forgotten" and GDPR, assume that once you posted something on Internet it’ll be there forever. Not a big deal if it’s a graduation picture, or your time at last week end Marathon. More annoying if it’s nude or a rant about “lazy immigrants stealing our jobs to get welfare