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Cake day: July 1st, 2023

  • It’s not about converting the car.

    I have a 2009 Chevy with an automatic transmission. I’m order to convert it to electric, the ECU would have to be replaced so the car knows when to shift to a higher gear without a combustion engine.

    Because of environmental reasons, ECUs are pretty tightly controlled by the government. I don’t know if any company even exists that can sell an aftermarket ECU. There’s plenty that can hack or reprogram ECUs, but even that is becoming increasingly regulated and legally questionable.

  • I would love to convert my car to an electric, but it’s an automatic so I’d have to spend as much as a new car to convert it.

    A drop in ECU replacement and motor/battery would be great, but I doubt the auto industry or the government is going to allow the sale of third party drop in ECUs.

  • Oh they definitely did.

    Before the pandemic, I’d see one or 2 highly questionable moves in a drive.

    Now it’s like a dozen.

    I see people making lefts on red, cutting off semi trucks, weaving in and out of traffic, driving with absolutely no lights at night, and my god the speeding.

    A few years ago it was normal to see people doing like 5 miles an hour over the limit, now it feels like half the people want to do 10 or 15, even on surface streets.

    I wonder if it’s that most people drove less during the pandemic, the fact that cops around here were told to only pull people over if they were a direct threat to the public, or if the social isolation just made some people way more self centered. But driving has definitely gotten worse since the pandemic.

  • I honestly don’t consider starlink to be a SpaceX product.

    I’d technically owned and operated by them because SpaceX owns starlink LLC, but they did it that way to boost their launch contracts for their one viable product: falcon 9 launches.

    So since they wanted to split starlink off into its own company, that just so happens to rely 100% on SpaceX for all contracts, then I’ll give it to them. Starlink is its own company. Which means SpaceX still only has one product.

  • The worst part is we could definitely have a mars base with today’s technology.

    It’s just not economically or scientifically necessary to set up. Robots can do 99% of what a human can on mars, scientifically speaking, and if they break we can just build another one. If someone dies on mars, it’s gonna global news for weeks.

    And mars doesn’t exactly have a huge open pit of platinum or something we want to mine, so there’s no economic incentive to set up a colony.

    Musk just wants to sell the sci-fi vaporware fantasy to shareholders because SpaceX has one viable product and he’s desperate for no one to notice that.

  • The fact that they didn’t scout the location at all just kills me.

    Like someone went there ahead of time to setup the podium and speakers, for a White House press conference, and didn’t call their boss and say “are you sure I’m supposed to set this up at a landscaping company?”

    I can be a little apathetic at my job, but I’ve never been that apathetic.

    And then when they showed up, they could have redirected the reporters to like a nearby park or something, but they just stuck to it.

  • EV infrastructure would be better if it was actually standardized and regulated to be like gas stations.

    Right now, we have legacy charging ports and the new, now standard, Tesla port. So you have to make sure the charger will even fit your car. And, because we live in the future, everything is enshitified. Different charging companies have different apps that you need to download to pay for charging, many chargers are down for maintenance, but even with the app, there’s no guarantee you’ll be warned about the charger being down.

    Chargers should be like gas pumps. Put in a card, put the plug in your car, and then wait for it to charge. Every plug should fit every car. The system that sprang up without government intervention is clearly insufficient, and needs to be standardized from the ground up.

  • Authoritarianism is cool when you’re the one being an authoritarian.

    Really sucks when someone you don’t agree with decides what is allowed or not.

    If you give a government power to decide who is allowed in the government, even if you think it’s for the right reasons, you’ve now created a system where all it takes is one or a few people to turn a utopia into a grueling dictatorship.

    That’s not really a good gamble

  • I live right next to one of the largest airports in the world.

    I see 5-10 parallel lines in the sky multiple times a day.

    I also live next to one of the largest airports in the world, which is a few miles from a national guard base located right outside one of the largest cities in America.

    I’m probably in the fireball radius of a nuke, assuming the Russians haven’t been embezzling their government money and are still fueling their hydrogen bombs, so if the big red button gets pushed, I’ll just get vaporized about half an hour later.

    Don’t shoot yourself just because you see lines in the sky. You’re either close enough to civilization for planes to make lines in the sky, in which case the bombs will probably get you anyway, or you’re so far out in the sticks that you’ll have plenty of time to make a decision.

  • MIRVs have been a thing for like 50 years.

    The US even took them out of submarine launched missiles, because they made the soviets so nervous we had to promise that we couldn’t delete half of their country in 15 minutes.

    But don’t worry, nuclear war happens so fast, and diplomatic channels are so slow, if anyone launches anything, everyone is practically forced to launch everything or risk losing it. So even if Russia did just launch one to destroy 10-15 cities, all of the cities everywhere would be destroyed anyway.

  • Some of y’all aren’t training your dogs on food aggression and anxiety and it shows.

    Play with your dog’s food while it eats, don’t take it away, but move the bowl around and stick your fingers in the food. Get them used to you fucking with their food, and show them that nothing bad happens when their food gets touched. Especially if you have little kids or have little kids that come to your home with friends and family, your dog should be trained not to get anxious or aggressive about food. I’ve seen a lot of kids get scared by dogs because the dog is very defensive about food, but 5 minutes of training a day will knock that right out of them.