• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • It was far less bad than people make it out to be. I was on a stream watching and so many comments were talking about how he looked, and I’m sitting here thinking… y’all realize he’s listening to Trump speak right? Anyone actually listening to what that monster has to say is going to either look befuddled or dismayed. He looked both. He definitely had some weak spots, but compared to Trump who wouldn’t even answer a question and blatantly lying every other second.

    It sucks. People were basically cheering him on online, the most against him comments I saw were “they’re both so old”. Not commenting on the insanity or the racism or the lies, just memeing on old Biden. Which yeah he deserves it but the rhetoric is reminding me of 2016 and it does not inspire hope.

  • Dang this is pretty huge actually! Steam Deck has this capability through a plug-in, I imagine now it may be able to get further community development now that there’s an official method. And Steam Deck aside, this should be a pretty significant benefit to low-spec gamers or anyone who just wants less software to work with.

  • This is pretty much the only way that I use AI. It can brainstorm 50 ideas faster than I can and format them in a way that I can actually get started on projects rather than planning out each step.

    AI is pretty strong at what I have been calling “permanent facts”. Using any song as an example, it will always have the same key, tempo, scales, etc. As such, when asking for details about a song, listing out the key, scales, tempo, and asking it to show unconventional scales that will play over it. Another example of a permanent fact would be the death date of someone, as that isn’t really going to be changing.

    On the other hand, temporary facts are where hallucination and other inaccuracies come in. There’s no way for LLM’s to get new information, so it doesn’t know about career changes, current ages or net worth. You can utilize permanent facts to get accurate information about temporary facts, but that’s not nearly as useful. I think one of the major issues people have with LLM’s (model creation aside) is that our society really values temporary facts, and so when it gets it wrong people like to point at that as a fault. Which it certainly is, but to me it’s kind of like pointing at Photoshop and laughing that it can’t even be used to write a book - like, OK but that’s not really it’s purpose?

    I think another example of LLM’s definitely being useful was all of those privacy nightmare Excel/Sheets plugins. Privacy aside, that’s basically the ideal use-case for LLM’s as you are pointing out Permanent Facts (the data in cells A-Z) and having it sort them in some fashion. I’ve seen a lot of LLM hallucinations for sure, but I’ve also seen a lot of consistency when actually using it as intended. I’ve yet to have it be “wrong” when I was testing my music information template or when sorting out data in excel.

    Much outside of that though, no. It’s only useful as getting mass amounts of theory in a short session, not so much for being reliable in that information. That might sound like a bad tool, but as mentioned it has plenty of use-cases, people are just using it as a tool very, very poorly. (It can also be used maliciously more easily than most other tools, which definitely prohibits its status as a “good” tool.)

  • Yeah contrary to all the negativity about this in this thread, I think there’s a lot of worthwhile reasons for this that aren’t centered on fawning over the loss of a love one. Think of how many family recipes could be preserved. Think of the stories that you can be retold in 10 years. Think of the little things that you’d easily forget as time passes. These are all ways of keeping someone with us without making their death the main focus.

    Yes, death and moving on are a part of life, we also always say to keep people alive in our hearts. I think there are plenty of ways to keep people around us alive without having them present, I don’t think an AI version of someone is inherently keeping your spirit from continuing on, nor is it inherently keeping your loved one from living in the moment.

    Also I can’t help but think of the Star Trek computer but with this. When I was young I had a close gaming friend who we lost too soon, he was very much an announcer personality. He would have been perfect for being my voice assistant, and would have thought it to be hilarious.

    Anyway, I definitely see plenty of downsides, don’t get me wrong. The potential for someone to wallow with this is high. I also think there’s quite a few upsides as mentioned – they aren’t ephemeral, but I think it’s somewhat fair to pick and choose good memories to pass down to remember. Quite a few old philosophical advents coming to fruition with tech these days.