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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 20th, 2023


  • People, observe the rhetorical devices of tankies. They do not engage in meaningful discourse. They answer with non-sequiturs framed as innocent questions. They present themselves as free speech defenders, yet they use this free speech to defend the most oppressive regimes in the world, though most often implicitly as their whole thesis becomes an obvious sophism were it to be explicitly stated:

    America bad, therefore Russia/China/NK good.

    It’s the exact same rhetorical devices that /r/The_Donald used during the '16 election, only with a different goal. It’s the methodology of people actively working against their own self-interest, shitting all over rational discourse because they found themselves in a self-reassuring echo-chamber of anticonformism.

  • Get out with this class essentialism.

    Going from prole renting a shitty apartment who barely owns a car and a washing machine, to forcibly deported or forced to renounce your culture and teach your children the invader’s language and culture is not “potato, potato”.
    Sometimes there are other things to fight for than capital, even if this might sound like a foreign concept to Westerners whose country hasn’t been directly involved in a meaningful non-imperialist conflict since 1945.

  • It’s not as bad nowadays that apps yielded to GNOME’s bullshit. Back when GTK2 apps were still common… Urgh. Plenty of apps were broken without it for no good reason.

    I like opinionated UX - I use sway - but GNOME’s approach is incompatible with “general use” and only works (for now) because of canonical’s weight and ability to impose their vision as the only vision.

    Also they didn’t replace the tray with a better way to manage background apps, so they can suck a dick on the UX front.

  • The fucking system tray. Which literally every other DE and mainstream OS out there supports because some apps depend on it and break if it doesn’t exist.

    Last I checked GNOME devs said “no, we will never support it, because we’ve DePRecATeD the tray in GTK”.

    It’s functionality so basic I have 3-6 apps which depend on it at any time on my work machine. Anyone saying it doesn’t fall under “basic functionality” is either a GNOME dev or a troll.

  • The kind of farming that makes any money isn’t slow work.

    It is, however, tangible work with tangible results. Unlike spending months changing the polarity of nanoscopic silicon structure for the non-appreciation of an utterly clueless salesperson whose braindead ideas will have left the world in a worse state than you found it despite anyone’s best efforts.

    I should seriously get into woodworking. Kidding. Sorta.

  • Plenty of villages where I live that are absolutely unsafe for anyone to walk around. There is no requirement for a road outside urban limits to have a sidewalk, even if it is a major 90 km/h (55ish mph?) road that happens to be the only way to get from village A to the school in village B.
    Cycling through the countryside, I have straight up trespassed through someone’s property because there was no legal way to get from point A to point B, walking or biking, and not die.

    Obviously not comparable to the US where even city centers are majorly unsafe, but still. Most rural areas are fully car-dependent.

  • It depends.

    Shop clothes/yellow jacket? All function (usually).
    Literally any clothes when it’s 30+ °C outside? Style/cultural norms.

    Most situations sit somewhere in the middle, but most people care at least a little bit about style. It’s not a fight, and I don’t understand why you frame it as such. It’s perfectly possible to wear functional clothes that also fit and with colors that don’t clash (actually most people who say they don’t like fashion have ill-fitting clothes, which is less functional).

  • azertyfun@sh.itjust.workstoMicroblog Memes@lemmy.worldI did shave them.
    14 days ago

    Why do we design other buildings than concrete cubes? Why do we plant trees on the side of the road? Why do we put paintings in our hallways? Why do we paint our walls anything other than hospital grey? Why do websites have CSS? Why do we gift each other flowers?

    Esthetics, self-expression, culture. Fashion is the most personal form of self-expression, it should not be a surprise that people care about it so much.

    I don’t care if you wear socks and sandals, you don’t have an obligation to partake in cultural norms, but going all the way around to “fashion is stupid and clothes are just there for wind protection” is nihilistic beyond usefulness.

  • I don’t think there is one beyond “hey look we all know this thing”.

    Americans: “We are a diverse patchwork of cultures and saying the US is one gigantic boring monoculture just because we share a common language is offensive”

    Also Americans: hundreds of millions of people literally all relate to the same quirky element of childhood imposed through immense conformist institutions, can’t even process the idea that other cultures exist that do not relate to this specific element.

  • I think that is the most controversial take I have read in my entire life.

    What good has Microsoft done for Mojang/Minecraft? They kneecapped development by splitting the codebase and tying most features to their ability to run on mobile hardware, slowed development to an absolute crawl to increase long-term revenue (these motherfuckers openly develop three new features for minecon every year, then delete two of those for no reason other than “we can”), turned the console/mobile versions into garbage microtransaction boxes, started policing private speech in private servers hosted on private hardware, turned the mod-supporting version of the game into a second-class citizen, basically made for-profit private servers illegal, etc.

    Minecraft was a great game that stood on its own merit when Microsoft bought it. Everything they did only brought it down, and the few good features the game has gained since then were long overdue and done despite Microsoft’s meddling.

  • It just occurred to me a reason TF3 can’t happen in a satisfying way.

    You couldn’t make TF3 with a different cast of “heroes”, right? It would just be unsettling and disrespectful. TF’s DNA is their lovable characters.

    Not a single TF playable character is a woman. That was on-par for the 2000s, but definitely not acceptable in the 2020s when your competitors are OW and Valorant which both have a diverse cast with (AFAIK) gender parity. Keeping the cast but adding 9 women and 2 enbies would feel extremely performative and like the new PCs are inferior “tack-on” characters.

    TF3 would either be problematic or desacralized. IMO making new IP is the right call.