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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • Glad you got it working, interesting if the slicer itself was the problem… When you’re loading a file to the printer on my elegoo I’ll be able to check the actual layer settings which is ultimately the key since that’s how long the lcd will light up and cure the resin.

    However supports and rafts are heavily influenced by the slicer so any issues there could be resolved by the slicer software.

    Otherwise your hygiene cleaning all sounds like good practice regardless both to remove variables and maintenance.

    Glad you got it sorted

  • Without Carlos driving at his peak, Ferrari will not be able to guarantee second in constructors let alone challenge for first as perez continues to contribute nada to red bull. I’d imagine they’d like to continue to be second and specifically ahead of maclaren. To do that they’ll need him to be motivated to be a driver and I don’t know much about him but if I’ve seen anything from the races, it’s that he’s motivated by personal achievements.

    Either way double Ferrari dnf from infighting entertains me greatly. :)

  • One rich company trying to claim money off the other rich companies using its software. The ROI on enforcing these will come from only those that really should have afforded to pay and if they can’t, shouldn’t have built on the framework. Let them duke it out. I have zero empathy for either side.

    The hopeful other side is with a “budget” for the license, a company can consider using that to weigh up open source contributions and expertise. Allowing those projects to have experts who have income. Even if it’s only a few companies that then hire for that role of porting over, and contributing back to include needed features, more of that helps everyone.

    The same happens in security, there used to be no budget for it, it was a cost centre. But then insurance providers wouldn’t provide cyber insurance without meeting minimum standards (after they lost billions) and now companies suddenly have a budget. Security is thriving.

    When companies value something, because they need to weigh opportunity cost, they’ll find money.

  • Mac book pro from 2012 still going, not strong, Bluetooth barely works, there’s a dying row of pixels, on the screen, the CPU doesn’t seem to support any modem video codec in accelerated mode, and the speakers were clearly garbage and it doubles how bad the Bluetooth is. But it’s running pop os! And it’s running it fine. I mean as long as you connect via rustdesk to another real machine to do real work. It can’t handle tabs or browser rendering…

    Anyway even if i retire it today, it’s outlasted 3 work laptops.

  • Hold them all to account, no single points of failure. Make them all responsible.

    When talking about vscode especially, those users aren’t your mum and dad. They’re technology professionals or enthusiasts.

    With respect to vendors (Microsoft) for too long have they lived off an expectation that its always a end user or publisher responsibility, not theirs when they’re offering a brokering (store or whatever) service. They’ve tried using words like ‘custodian’ when they took the service to further detract from responsibility and fault.

    Vendors of routers and firewalls and other network connected IoT for the consumer space now are being legislatively enforced to start adhering to bare minimum responsible practices such as ‘push to change’ configuration updates and automated security firmware updates, of and the long awaited mandatory random password with reset on first configuration (no more admin/Admin).

    Is clear this burden will cost those providers. Good. Just like we should take a stance against polluters freely polluting, so too should we make providers take responsibility for reasonable security defaults instead of making the world less secure.

    That then makes it even more the users responsibility to be responsible for what they then do insecurely since security should be the default by design. Going outside of those bounds are at your own risk.

    Right now it’s a wild West, and telling what is and isn’t secure would be a roll of the dice since it’s just users telling users that they think it’s fine. Are you supposed to just trust a publisher? But what if they act in bad faith? That problem needs solving. Once an app/plugin/device has millions of people using it, it’s reputation is publicly seen as ok even if completely undeserved.

    Hmm rant over. I got a bit worked up.

  • Tailscale can act as a site to site vpn, but it’s best used as a meshvpn imo with as many things as possible in it.

    Why? Because the dynamic dns is so powerful. Every host name automatically is in every other tailscale joined computer automatically. My NAS (Truenas in my case) is just “nas” so to access it it’s just https://nas. Same with my rustdesk server on https://rustdesk. Jellyfin? You guessed it: https://jellyfin.

    Why is this cool? I moved my box between other networks and it just works again. No ips changed.

    I take it to work. It just works. I keep one server at my parents place? It just works.

    But my printer doesn’t have the ability to join the tailnet so I use subnet routing to create a node on that network to act as a NAT router to get to and from that printer.

    You can even define exit nodes so if I install tailscale on my parents TV in another state, they can exit their internet via my home which has my IP and therefore Netflix counts it as inside my residence.

    Anyway just some considerations. I generally use the subnet routing as a last resort. My 3 node proxmox cluster is all joined and if I took a node to my parents it would literally just work, if slower, as a cluster member. Crazy. Very cool

  • 100% it’s crazy. I mined 1 btc in 2008(?) on a 9800gx2 over a bit longer than winter in Australia, and I’ve left it in a wallet and watching it flap up and down in value. This announcement was basically “crypto is up so we have enough again”. I mean selling what they must have will crash the market again surely. Or the repayment is over 36 months as they slow sell, but then they risk the value again going down.

    Don’t do crypto kids, it’s a game for traders with an appeal to people who want to self host, self sufficient, disconnected from big banks, and all that, but it was corrupted by financially motivated assholes. Therefore it became an investment/wealth vehicle and received the attention of the most morally bankrupt, manipulative people.

    Trust is what any currency that has no intrinsic valueis built on. Crypto can’t have that when the fraction of good to bad actors is skewed so heavily.