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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 28th, 2023


  • AACAB I can get behind lol. ACAB half the time is just straight up internet trolls and instigators. Meanwhile the same people love to espouse shit like how the wealthy are the real oppressors while ignoring most police are only firmly low-middle class. There are way more people getting into that job who just happened into it like most people in the world. While yes, the abusers and psychopaths are attracted to the job for the above, the separation of powers in places like that are wide. Just like they would be in most businesses. Let alone the real deal PTSD they have to deal with daily to weekly in som areas.

    Any direct supervisors for teams that have pretty full automony know it’s impossible to track what they do constantly. So much of it is based on the trust system and good faith actors speaking out when they see something. Throw in some bystanders effect and benefit of the doubt for people who’d normally be good to you but a monster in the shadows… I’m not envious of police one bit, or the people trying to make change from the inside. Which is the only real way it’s going to happen despite internet tough guys espousing otherwise while refusing to pay taxes for shit like mental health services lol. Elected local/state politicians, DAs, also being the people who could make those changes. Also equally vilified.

    It’s way more complicated than people give it credit for when you’re actually trying to make change. For most people trying to get by, best thing you can do is vote.

  • It straight up reads like cult craziness or crazy 2 am infomercials. HEAD ON! APPLY DIRECTLY TO FOREHEAD! I’m glad you’ve placebo’d yourself into happiness though lol.

    You said Exercise grows your hippocampus in 4 different bullet points lmfao. Great, it increases size by 2%. It proves nothing about whether it affects depression in adults. In fact, the studies show they do jack shit except help memory lol.

    Exercise training increased hippocampal volume by 2%, effectively reversing age-related loss in volume by 1 to 2 y.

    More showing it means little to nothing:



    The effect of aerobic exercise on hippocampal volume in patients with psychotic disorders

    Four studies examined the effect of aerobic exercise on hippocampal volume in people with schizophrenia or first episode psychosis (n = 107). Aerobic exercise did not significantly increase total hippocampal volume compared to control conditions (g = 0.149, 95% CI: -0.31 to 0.60, p = 0.53, Table 2). Among the two studies which reported effects on left/right hippocampus separately, there was no evidence of effects in either region (both p > 0.1). There was also no evidence of heterogeneity or publication bias influencing these results.

    The effect of aerobic exercise on hippocampal volume in other populations

    Data in other populations was insufficient for pooled meta-analyses, and so results from individual trials are summarised below. Individual trials which examined effects of aerobic exercise in patients with depression (Krogh et al., 2014), mild cognitive impairment (Brinke et al., 2014) and probable Alzheimer’s disease (Morris et al., 2017) all found no significant effects on total or left/right hippocampal volumes. One study examining the effects of exercise in young-to-middle-aged adults found no change in total hippocampal volume but did find a significant increase in anterior hippocampal volume following 6 weeks of aerobic exercise (Thomas et al., 2016).

    Effects of exercise in relation to participant age

    Meta-regression analyses were performed to examine the relationship between mean sample age and effects of exercise on hippocampal volume. No statistically significant associations of effects of exercise with sample age were found for total, right or left hippocampal volume (all p > 0.05).

    In conclusion, this meta-analysis found no effects of exercise on total hippocampal volume, but did find that exercise interventions retained left hippocampal volume significantly more than control conditions. As these positive effects were also observed among the subgroup of studies of healthy older adults, the findings hold promising implications for using exercise to attenuate age-related neurological decline. Currently, the overall quality of the evidence is compromised by the fact that 10 of the 12 studies included some risk of bias, therefore more high-quality RCTs are now required. In additional to RCTs, a prospective meta-analysis examining how changes in physical activity and fitness predict hippocampal retention/deterioration across the lifespan would provide novel insights into longer-term neural effects of exercise, while also reducing the impact of methodological heterogeneity often found across exercise RCTs. Further research is also required to determine effects in younger people (Riggs et al., 2016), and establish the neurobiological mechanisms through which exercise exerts these effects, in order to design optimal exercise programs for producing neurocognitive enhancements. However, the functional relevance of structural improvements has also yet to be ascertained. Nonetheless, the link between cardiorespiratory fitness with both structural and performance increases indicates this as a suitable target for aerobic training programs to improve brain health.

  • Vlyn, 3 days ago


    If you have straight forward questions, please just try to Google them first.

    … it says nothing about how much exp you get for completing the dungeon. Just that you get Glyph XP and increased XP for killing monsters per 1 level above yours up to 10 levels above though.

    Even the thing you linked doesn’t say how much Character XP you get for just completing the dungeon itself lol.

    Nightmare Dungeon Rewards

    Nightmare Dungeons are hard, but the rewards are worth toughing them out! In addition to the normal Dungeon completion rewards of Gold, Experience, and a Codex of Power Aspect, completing Nightmare Dungeons enable you to find and level Glyphs, grants even more Experience with scaling monster levels and boosted monster density, and guarantees you 4 Item Rewards.

    Since defeating higher level monsters grants more XP, Nightmare Dungeons are one of the only ways to power level in the endgame. Every +1 increase in monster level above your character level nets 1.5% bonus experience up to 15% (10 monster levels higher). Monsters do not grant additional bonus experience if they are over 10 levels higher than your character. Choose Nightmare Sigil Tiers that correspond to monster levels at your level or up to 10 levels higher for maximum efficiency.

  • Look, hit me with the pedantic semantic hammer as much as you want. I’ve linked plenty of proof above likening it to both definitions lol.

    It’s a legal pyramid scheme, ponzi scheme, whatever, when people at the bottom who put in can go literally bankrupt, while the people at the top reap 95% or more of the benefit while being COMPLETELY INSULATED from loss due to bailouts, other rich folk insuring losses, and ‘bankruptcy’ for corporations while C Suite execs still walk away with millions as long as it was a ‘good Faith’s’ investment.

    Tried to fuck the rich out of their money though? They shut down trade sites, send you to jail for insider trading, meanwhile all they have to do is time their sellout on stocks a whopping 3-6 months in advance before they liquidate their company to get a max payout. All while they buy our politicians who have the LEGAL ability to inside trade…

    That is a scheme where people at the bottom get fleeced for their money. Millions getting fucked by it with so many getting squalid benefits for essentially investing 1/4 their income for literally half their lives, only for the rich at the top to still make out with bank.

    It’s a pyramid scheme. You can narrowly define what counts as a ponzi scheme as much as you want to try to avoid it, but it’s the truth.

    It’s a legal ponzi scheme. As I’ve linked to with a multitude of sources making these direct comparisons with plenty of proof beyond concept.
