• 39 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 19th, 2023


  • My philosophy on downvotes:

    If I don’t agree with someone here, I upvote anyway. Not because I’m a Pollyanna, but because I’m happy they’re here and supporting Lemmy by posting and commenting. I really want Lemmy to stay up and stable for a long time and provide what Reddit used to provide for the wider community. Reddit still does, but hopefully we can too. I’m talking about political and health issues.

    If it’s a mean comment, I do nothing and move on.

    If something is just messed up, that’s a message for the mods. I’ve messaged once so far. Someone posted information about a person (image and real-life contact info) and said they were performing cosmetic surgery on puppies. The image was of the person flipping the bird, so it was clearly made as a hit piece. Mods got rid of it within a day.

  • I’m doing my part. I had two posts on Reddit. One was superniche and got 30ish points. Whatever, I was happy. It had useful info for the other people on the sub. Then I posted something to the broader community and got two downvotes in like 1 second, killing it. How did they even look at it? I think someone was sitting there gleefully downvoting every fucking thing. I never posted again.

    I’ve been here since mid June and have made 264 posts, like WTF. I’m having more fun here than I ever did on Reddit and I don’t get that sick feeling I used to get from seeing all the outrage posts and mean comments (to everyone, not just me).

    Loving Lemmy.

  • 100% agree

    In her hospice care centers, Mother Teresa practiced her belief that patients only needed to feel wanted and die at peace with God — not receive proper medical care — and medical experts went after her for it.

    In 1994, the British medical journal The Lancet reported that medicine was scarce in her centers and that patients received nothing close to the treatment that they needed to relieve their pain.

    Meanwhile, some doctors took to calling her missions “homes for the dying” since her Calcutta home for the sick had a mortality rate of more than 40 percent. But in her view, this wasn’t necessarily a bad thing.

    In response to all the criticism, Mother Teresa allegedly said, “There is something beautiful in seeing the poor accept their lot, to suffer it like Christ’s Passion. The world gains much from their suffering.
