• 13 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: January 3rd, 2022


  • I would say pretty secure. Of course, I would ensure all of the proper firewall, app pins, 2FA are in place in case my phone was ever compromised.

    I’m already accessing all of the services now over the web with authentication. This new configuration would shift thos services from being public to only devices on my private mesh network with the proper certificates.

  • Maybe my situation is just unique, but due to my job I’m able to have a single workstation with multiple high VRAM GPUs. I wouldn’t be able to justify the cost of buying new GPUs and an entire rig just for gaming or AI image/video. I wouldn’t foresee more than 2 VMs using the GPU in high priority at any single time.

    When I’m not working this system sits idle or is running renders. Why not utilize the amazing resources I have to serve my other needs?

  • I have a workstation I use for video editing/vfx as well as gaming. Because of my work, I’m fortunate to have the latest high end GPUs and a 160" projector screen. I also have a few TVs in various rooms around the house.

    Traditionally, if I want to watch something or play a video game, I have to go to the room with the jellyfin/plex/roku box to watch something and am limited to the work/gaming rig to play games. I can’t run renders and game at the same time. Buying an entire new pc so I can do both is a massive waste of money. If I want to do a test screening of a video I’m working on to see how it displays on various devices, I have to transfer the file around to these devices. This is limiting and inefficient to me.

    I want to be able to go to any screen in my house: my living room TV, my large projector in my studio room, my tablet, or even my phone and switch between:

    • my workstation display running on a Window 10 VM
    • my linux VM with youtube or jellyfin player I use as a daily driver
    • a fedora or Windows VM dedicated to gaming, maybe SteamOS
    • maybe a friend comes over for a LAN party and we both can game without having to set up a 2nd rig
    • I want to host an LLM or stablediffusion server without having to buy a new GPU with enough VRAM to run SDXL

  • I’m a massive Nextcloud fan and have a server up and running for many years now.

    But I understand all of the downvoted commenters. It is clunky and buggy as hell at times. Maybe it’s less noticeable when you’re running a single user instance, but once you have non tech literate users using it you begin to notice how inferior it is to the big boys like google drive in some aspects.

    That said, I personally have a decent tolerance for fiddling and slight frustrations as a trade off for avoiding privacy disrespecting and arguably evil corporations.

    I would recommend everybody looking for a gdrive, Dropbox, one drive alternative to at least give Nextcloud a go.

  • Thanks so much for the detailed reply. I have about 20TB of data on the disks otherwise I would take your advice to set up a different scheme. Luckily, as it’s a backup server I don’t need maximum speed. I set it up with mergerfs and snapraid because I’m essentially recycling old drives into this machine and that setup works pretty well for my situation.

    The proxmox host is the default (ext4/lvm I believe). The drives are also all ext4. I very recently did a data drive upgrade and besides some timestamp discrepancies likely due to rsync, the SCSI semi-virtualized thing wasn’t an issue. I replaced the old drive with a larger one, hooked the old one up to a usb dongle and passed it through to OMV and I was able to transfer everything and get my new data drive hooked back into the mergerfs pool and snapraid. I’ll do a test and see if I can still access the files directly in the proxmox host just for educational purposes.

    I’ll try to re-mount the NFS and see where that gets me. I’m also considering switching to a CIFS/SMB share as another commenter had posted. Unless that is susceptible to the same estale issue. I won’t be back at that location for about a week so I might not have an update for a little while.

  • Third time posting this reply due to the lemmy server upgrade.

    Proxmox on bare metal. A VM with OMV and a VM of proxmox backup server. Multiple drives passed through to OMV and then mergerfs pools them together. That pool has two main shared folders. One is for a remote duplicati server that connects via SFTP. The other is an NfS for PBS. The PBS VM uses the NFS shared folder as storage. Everything worked until recently when I started getting estale errors. Duplicati still works fine

  • Looks like my reply got purged in the server update.

    Running Proxmox baremetal. Two VMs: Proxmox Backup Server and OMV. Multiple HDDs passed through directly as SCSI to OMV. In OMV they’re combined into a mergerfs pool. Two shared folders on the pool: one dedicated to proxmox backups and the other for data backups. The Proxmox backup shared folder is an NFS share and the other shared folder is accessed by a remote duplicati server via SSH (sftp?). Within the proxmox backup server VM, the aforementioned NFS share is set up as a storage location.

    I have no problems with the duplicati backups at all. The Proxmox Backup Server was operating fine as well initially but began throwing the estale error after about a month or two.

    Is there a way to fix the estale error and also to prevent it from reoccurring?

  • Underlying system is running Proxmox. From there I have the relevant two VMs: OMV and Proxmox Backup Server. The hard drives are passed into OMV as SCSI drives. I had to add them from shell as the GUI doesn’t give the option. Within OMV I have the drives in a mergerfs pool, with a shared folder via NFS that is then selected as the storage from within the Proxmox Backup Server VM. OMV has another shared folder that is used by a remote duplicati server via SSH(SFTP?), but otherwise OMV has no other shared folders or services. Duplicati/OMV have no errors. PBS/OMV worked for a couple of months before the aforementioned error cropped up.

    Also possibly relevant: No other processes or services are setup to access the shared folder used by PBS.