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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: August 28th, 2023

  • I think this is what Morgan Freeman meant when he said he had a problem with Black History Month. Having a celebration of all that you are as a people is great, especially for barely recognized minorities, but we need to acknowledge that those minorities still exist and should still be celebrated even after the official festivities are over with.

  • Okay I hate Bill Gates as much as anybody because he is a greedy scum sucking billionaire with extreme self-interest, but common core didn’t fail because it was a bad idea. Setting a common standard for all of education is not a bad thing. The problem was that it was introduced during the Obama administration and the conservative think tanks went to work immediately to put out propaganda trying to make it into yet another culture war prerogative. It’s been most recently tied to critical race theory even though CRT isn’t taught in anything but collage law classes.

    In fact, the one that pisses me off most is how they’ve demonized the new math curriculum simply because it doesn’t jive with how it was taught in the past. But the way it was taught before was thought up by 1800’s school marms and the new math standards were developed by actual mathematicians who knows how math works far better than a 19th century school teacher. Kids who are taught the new math standards will be capable of more advanced math far sooner than their parents and grandparents ever were.

  • What is in your email isn’t the only data that sending one can generate. There’s the IP address where it was sent from and where it’s going, there’s the time of day it was sent, there’s a load of metadata attached they can read and glean information about you and your recipient. And there’s advertisement opportunities in the interface that many services use to collect info on you. There are so many ways to collect data on you through your interactions online it’s not even funny.

    But yeah, keep pretending like you’ve found the only mail service that doesn’t collect any data on you at all if it helps you cope.

  • The problem in the countries that generally allow prostitution is that, though it has been legalized, it is still horribly stigmatized. Which creates that gap where forced prostitution can flourish. If a “business” is using illegal immigrants as forced labor, who can they turn to for help? That’s a double dose of stigma right there. But even a native person who’s being coerced would likely get little in the way of help since “upstanding” society looks down on their chosen profession.

    Our collective worldly society needs to stop looking down their nose at sex workers as some kind of deviancy.

    But then, seeing how religious extremists seem to be gaining power all over, I doubt we’ll see any positive change on any of these things.

  • I have a job. I am currently getting ready to go to it. Then, since it is now Friday. I’m gonna order a god damned large pizza and then I’mma sit down in front of my big ass television set and play video games and eat pizza till I’m too tired to do either anymore.

    Which, because I’m fucking old now, will probably be around 10:00 p.m. 😢

  • buddascrayon@lemmy.worldtoMicroblog Memes@lemmy.worldI can't disagree.
    12 days ago

    All adult sex work should be legal across the board. Anyone, of legal age, should be allowed to not only sell their services but they should be able to pay taxes and be allowed to unionize and collect benefits from any organization they work for (brothels).

    A lot of the people in this world who are messed up in the head just need to get laid, and those doing to dirty work should be celebrated and rewarded for their efforts. I genuinely think this would make the world a better place.

  • Wondering if a mask would protect you from COVID-19? CDC does not currently recommend the general American public use a facemask to protect against novel coronavirus. Only healthcare professionals caring for COVID-19 patients, people who are sick with COVID-19, or in some cases people caring for patients who are sick with COVID-19 need precautions like a facemask to help limit their risk of spreading COVID-19.

    CDC always recommends everyday preventive actions, like staying home when you are sick and washing hands with soap and water, to help prevent the spread of respiratory illness.

    This literally says exactly what I just did. Wearing a mask will not protect you from getting covid or any other disease but it can protect other people from catching it from you by stopping you from spreading it.

    P.S. and yes, at the time healthcare professionals needed the masks desperately so that they could administer to patients without the fear of spreading the disease all over the place if they caught it because COVID has such a long incubation period that overlaps significantly with its shedding phase.