• 8 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Is there some reason to not assume they’ll be cis and straight? Does this change your behavior at all toward them?

    It’s not like we’re out arranging marriages or setting up our kids. They’ll figure it out on their own and teaching a cis, straight boy to play baseball is no different than teaching a cis, gay boy or a trans, straight boy or trans straight girl or any other combination. If a kid doesn’t like baseball, that just means the kid doesn’t like baseball.

  • I’ve seen one video on the subject that my wife showed me, then I had a conversation with my wife about it.

    When you’re looking at statistics, women attacked by bears per year vs women attacked by men per year, it’s not taking into account the fact that 99% of women don’t get into situations where they are near bears. Most women (and men) don’t go hiking in bear populated woods frequently. Like how the overall odds of getting struck by lightning is low, but some people are struck 8 times are survive.

    The better statistic for this argument is that a man is more likely going to kill you in an encounter, should it escalate. I didn’t fact check this, but I’ll take this video at it’s word.