• 3 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: April 19th, 2022


    • full disk encryption on everything except the router (no point in encrypting the router)
      • the server doesn’t have a display connected for obvious reasons, so I’m manually unlocking it via ssh on each boot
        • obviously, the SSH keys are different, so the server has a different IP in initrd. That said, I still don’t have any protection against malicious modification of initrd or UEFI
    • the server scans all new SSL certificates in realtime using certspotter and notifies me of any new certificates issued for my domains that it doesn’t know about (I use Cloudflare so it triggers relatively often, but I still do checks on who the issuer is)
    • firewall blocks outgoing 25 so nobody can impersonate my mailserver

  • The nuclear attack on Japan wasn’t intended to defeat them - they were already essentially defeated, just trying to find a more favorable way to lose. The nuclear attack’s purpose was to intimidate the USSR, as a power flex. The reason nuclear weapons are a deterrent isn’t because a couple of nukes hitting your country is a problem - that’s just a minor inconvenience when it comes to war. The reason nuclear weapons are a deterrent is because the countries that do have them have a lot of them, and can destroy not just a couple important cities, but cover your entire country in radioactive waste.

    Not only will your “plan” not achieve its goal, but it will also hurt hundreds of thousands, possibly millions of civilians. I know it’s popular to associate a people with a government, and that’s not completely baseless, but - and I can’t believe I have to say this - that’s absolutely no reason to launch a nuclear attack. That’s just genocidal nonsense. There’s a reason countries at war don’t kill civilians, and it’s not “good will”.

  • In short, Nix reduces the setup time, both for your system and for your projects. If you find yourself spending a while setting stuff up (for example, after a reinstall; or maybe you want to run your project on another PC and need to install the right dependencies), Nix will help. Otherwise, if your desktop is vanilla Fedora or whatever and you don’t do much programming (or you don’t have any dependency management problems), Nix probably isn’t for you.

  • sway with tabs (i usually dont use actual tiling)+4-5 workspaces

    waybar for status display and on mobile also for menu access

    rofi as the app launcher (i also plan to write a proper rofi menu for my phone for quick access to useful commands/config but it’s heavily wip)

    i patched sway for push to talk because wayland spec doesnt support keybindings in a way required for push to talk for now

    i also plan to patch it on the phone to completely forbid fullscreen apps (as they hide the menu which i use for workspace/window switching) and show the window bar on all windows (for example, firefox extension/downloads popups)

  • Which does beg the question why the others haven’t implemented such functionality (yet)?

    Helix continues the work previously done by Kakoune (some people prefer Kakoune over Helix anyway). As to why - because it, like any other computer science topic, is a topic of active research, and Kakoune is the next generation of research into modal editing. Disclaimer: I use Neovim because it works well enough for me (it does offer more configurability, but I doubt I use it that much) and I don’t want to learn another set of hotkeys (which is similar enough, but still different).

    I shouldn’t expect remote accessing some random server will allow me to use Helix, right?

    That’s right, but as a Neovim user, it’s hard for me to use Vi, because it lacks many features, and I don’t know which ones. When you start going from basic to advanced knowledge, it sadly doesn’t translate. Of course, I would still pick Vi over Nano any day.

    There’s a similar problem with many shells (fish, readline (bash)) that don’t fully implement Vim’s features, so their Vi mode sucks, but I still use it.