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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 6th, 2023


  • Demand will never wane. It is human nature. It’s like yelling really loud “stop being hungry humans!” (well kinda, hunger is not a good analogy but the opinion is that drugs are a fundamental flaw with our human design. Just asking to stop does not work. Also, jailing those who do doesn’t help any either.

    The attack has to be financial. Outsell them. Legalize, tax and monitor. Make it a health concern not a law breaking issue. If it is no longer profitable to export, cartels will hurt and weaken and that is how this very powerful organizations are taken down. Take their money away.

  • Control is on my backlog list. Thanks for the writeup. Now I know what to expect.

    Using cheats for 1 player offline games is 100% OK in my book. I am an adult with so much responsabilties and little time to game. Sitting for 2 hours frustrated on something and not progressing is just not my idea of fun. Nudging yourself through with the help of cheats, easy mode or anything else is totally valid.

    I have done this with a few games. Disgaea games come to mind… I know most of the enjoyment of those games comes from the grind to level up and get stronger to then grind some more… But I just couldn’t make myself fight the same level 25 times to earn enough XP to upgrade so I memory edited the values just enough to simulate me grinding for 2 hours in 5 minutes. Not enough to break the game but enough to get me through the grindy parts.

    And any offline 1 player game that tries that shit will get memory edited right away.

    Of course I will always try to do it the intended way, as long as it’s not annoying to me.

  • Mate. Trusting a company not to shaft you when you have no alternatives is never a good idea. It is actually really bad.

    Companies do not act towards the benefit of the customer. It is always towards a better bottom line, and those decisions many times do not have your best interest at heart. If you have no choices, the companies have no incentive to make your experience any better. (see Internet Explorer). Competition is always a good thing. It forces companies to be better. The key word there is forces because they will not do it on their own.

  • Absolutely right. I would not judge you if I saw you at the supermarket. But this dude is the face of a fashion and beauty brand. They are pushing this body type (rarely occurs naturally in healthy folks like you) and mostly occurs on people with health problems. In a way they are pushing a non healthy image to many people that are not like you. I would even dare to say you are a very minuscule porcentage of people with this body type that are 100% healthy so this is being pushed to folks that have lovehandles and now they hate themselves.