• 24 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023

  • That’s a coincidence! I don’t believe that’s actually Thunder since that looks to be a Windows app (although you can technically build Thunder on Windows so there’s a very slim chance)

    was wondering where this is originally from?

    Here’s a bit of backstory!

    The Thunder logo was inspired from other thunderbolt vector images that I encountered online. All of the images I encountered felt very “sharp” so I simply tried to adjust the corners to be more round.

    So while there isn’t technically a “source” of the logo (at least that I’m aware of), I wouldn’t be surprised if there’s already something very similar! 😅

  • Hey there, are you by any chance subscribed to a lot of communities? If so, that may be the reason for the stuttering when opening the drawer.

    This is a known issue and I have fix for that in this PR which should greatly improve that: https://github.com/thunder-app/thunder/pull/1452

    Occasionally, it also stutters when I scroll through my feed.

    Do you mind sharing if you have full height images enabled? Generally, having that on is a bit more intensive because Thunder needs to calculate the width/height for each image (as Lemmy does not provide that info directly) - this should improve once Lemmy sends back the image dimensions in their API!

    If you don’t have that option enabled, feel free to submit a new issue on GitHub and I can take a closer look at it. Thanks!

  • Hey there! There are a couple of options I would double check:

    If you go to Account Settings, can you check if “Show Post/Comment Scores” is enabled?

    If that setting is enabled, I would go to Settings -> Appearance -> Posts and double check that the score metadata is added to Card View Settings

    If none of these work, then I would suggest opening a new GitHub issue with some more details on how we can reproduce this issue. Thanks!

  • Thanks for confirming this! Does this happen every single time? Or are there specific scenarios that trigger this?

    For example, if you reply to a short post/comment, does the markdown toolbar disappear? It would be really useful if you could make a new issue on GitHub for this (with possible reproducible steps or videos) to help us figure this out! Additionally, which keyboard do you use? Is it the stock keyboard or a different one?

    I still haven’t been able to reproduce this on my end so it’s tough to figure out what the root cause is unfortunately 😅

  • Hey there! As others have mentioned, it could be an issue with your network.

    Are you perhaps using a VPN? If so, this may be an issue as some instances block image uploading or other actions (I believe lemmy.world blocks image uploads if you’re using a VPN)

    If you’re still having issues, feel free to open up a new GitHub issue and we can take a further look into this (as a side note, I’m using iOS and I haven’t encountered any issues)!

  • Thanks for the feedback! It would be awesome if you could create a new GitHub issue on this so that it makes it easier to keep track of.

    Just as you mentioned, there doesn’t seem to be a definition for what correctly defines a spoiler tag in Lemmy, so it’s a bit difficult to get all the edge cases right! I kept the parsing to be limited to what Lemmy UI produces when you press the spoiler tag (which adds a space after :::). This is also non-standard markdown which makes it particularly more difficult to implement 😅

    For reference, this is what Lemmy UI generates as a template:

    ::: spoiler spoiler