• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • I’m a firm believer that if the cast out child burns down the village to feel its warmth, then we ought to be handing out torches! Giving abused children the power to escape and also to break their siblings away from their parents instantly makes outsider kids everywhere a lot more able to take the respect as a human being they should have been getting from the start.

    It’s bold. I like it. I would support a well thought out and designed plan of this nature 100 percent.

  • Fucking thank you! 👏

    These are child abusers that society turns a damn blind eye to because they claim it’s it’s a part of their religion to be able to abuse their kids this way. Can I have a religion where I get to bullwhip a fundie if I run into one please? Just to restore balance?

    I’m not sure that we have a system that can handle that amount of kids, so I’m not going to advocate for having them just taken away - too many chances for other abusers to take in a whole slew of kids and start abusing them too, but there needs to be some serious consequence for what these shitstains are putting these kids through.

    It definitely needs to be called out as child abuse when overheard and not just sitting by and quietly letting it happen like too many people do.

    And to be clear - I’m not saying all religious people do this. I’m sure there are some very fine religious people out there too. This is about vain people abusing their children for embarrassing them in the name of their religion.

  • That’s along the lines of what I expected. I’m always just curious how our brains work, so thank you.

    I always try to find an alternative to the word regardless of the context because it’s not like it’s hard to do and I’d rather not cause that reaction in anyone if possible.

    It sucks that we keep doing the same thing over and over as a society as this is not the first word ruined by being used in the exact same manner as a way to bully and harass and make fun of people.

    You’d think some day we’d learn that we can actually teach people not to be shitty and we don’t have to accept this behavior from people at all.

  • What makes you think people are “forcing” them to do this?

    You’ve now made it absolutely clear that you are just yet another anti-trans bigot who is pretending to want a conversation, but instead is just trying to weasel your abhorrent views into the public discourse.

    You have failed, and everyone here sees through your bullshit.

    You are what is wrong with discourse, and you should be ashamed of yourself.

    Side note to anyone else reading this: it’s SUPER easy to block people like this on lemmy and there really aren’t as many of these chodes as you’d think - I generally only have to block one or so a month and it makes things a whole lot less contentious once you realize you can just block people who are arguing that their hatred is somehow acceptable.