Web Developer by day, and aspiring Swift developer at night.

  • 7 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • Those who are suggesting Biden do this or that, are forgetting the most important thing about coup d’état: his “followers” would need to actually act on his orders.

    And even if they were to do that, which I doubt they would, I don’t think SCOTUS made the rank and file immune to prosecution. While they may have made it harder for Jan 6 obstructionists to be pursued, I’m pretty sure that’s limited to those Jan 6’ers. So anyone following Biden’s orders would likely see jail (or worse). Sure Biden could pardon them, but that would only happen if a) Biden was still president after a failed coup, and 2) the people being pardoned would need to be prosecuted first, which is lengthy, disruptive, and expensive.

    This only helps republicans, because as horrible as they are, the one thing they excel at more than their capacity for hate is their ability to unify and work together. Democrats… yeah, ain’t happening.

  • GPLv3 is virally open source (copyleft), BSD 2-Clause is not.

    Your first statement is patently false and misleading.

    Two variants of the license, the New BSD License/Modified BSD License (3-clause), and the Simplified BSD License/FreeBSD License (2-clause) have been verified as GPL-compatible free software licenses by the Free Software Foundation, and have been vetted as open source licenses by the Open Source Initiative. (Wikipedia)

    Being “copyleft” is not a requirement for being open source. Maybe you’re thinking of free software. There are differences, but as the FSF is quoted, they are also very similar.

    GPLv3 ensures free software remains free and contributions cannot be exploited and withheld from the community. BSD2C does not.

    To my understanding, and if I’m wrong I’d love to know why, both GPLv3 and BSD2 both ensure the openness of software. They just go about it differently. GPL (I’m not super versed at v3) basically means any modifications to GPL’d code must also be GPL’d, and source made available; also, if you statically link against other GPL’d code, your code must be GPL’d. Dynamic linking (or linking against LGPL code, like glibc) does not have this requirement.

    With BSD code, your only requirement is that the code (or binaries) must remain BSD2. Sure, someone can make modifications and keep them to themselves for fun and profit. But that doesn’t mean the rest of the community has to follow suit. The original code remains open and available with no license modifications. If a company owns BSD2 code, and goes under, the community can simply fork the code and take ownership as they please.

    Neither license is perfect, and I’m sure we could find plenty of examples of people/companies that have abused both licenses.

  • Not true. Look up the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) by the EEOC. Here, I’ll do it for you. But if I am mistaken, I’d love to know where it defines the vision criteria for exclusion.

    Actually, when I was looking it up, it sounds like you’re talking about being considered legally blind and qualifying for Social Security disability benefits, which is not the same as being protected under the ADA.

  • dohpaz42@lemmy.worldtoMalicious Compliance@lemmy.worldWork from home
    3 days ago

    According to the EEOC, it’s a disability:

    A vision impairment does not need to “prevent, or significantly or severely restrict,” an individual’s ability to see in order to be a disability, as long as the individual’s vision is substantially limited when compared to the vision of most people in the general population.

    And it sounds like her employer is doing the right thing. But if ever she feels she is not being treated fairly, she should talk to a lawyer to be sure. Don’t just let it slide because she has one good eye. Hell it might be good to talk to a lawyer anyway, so she knows what to look out for in the future if things happen to change.