Yep that’s exactly what she’s doing. This latest one is literally just the set list from her tour. Not even live recordings from the tour either, just the album recordings rearranged into the set list.
She’s such an asshole
Yep that’s exactly what she’s doing. This latest one is literally just the set list from her tour. Not even live recordings from the tour either, just the album recordings rearranged into the set list.
She’s such an asshole
Taylor Swift just dropped yet another “album”, this time it’s literally the same songs just rearranged.
And what do you know, she’s dropped a couple spots on billboard this week. I’m so bored of her and her petty shit
Either not at all, or very, very quickly
FUCK I have to vote for Kamala now, sorry y’all
Generals Zero Hour fits this as well, absolutely fantastic expansion. It was like an entirely new game.
God damn I’ve never seen a post here that speaks to me like this. I’m sober 3+ years now and drink either one of these or a red bull damn near every day.
And congratulations on 6 months! This shit ain’t easy but it’s well worth it
Bring me back to being 13 years old, torrenting .mp3s for my mp3 player from Aldi. Music was never better.