Oh thank you I appreciate you too too
Oh thank you I appreciate you too too
I think it’s a more a parody that started only a few years ago, whereas Impact (the font) memes are older that this
For the person receiving it it’s correct
That looks just like the town Delft
Sorry, shall I make another meme for you to spit it out?
Agree Well I took a midlyinfuriating tone for this post that midlyinfuriated me I just hoped this bug could have been brought to the attention of mainteners in another way that with a post on this community, which can leave a different taste But now I’ll get back to not assuming people’s intentions based on the form only
Taking things for granted on an open-source software without willing to do anything
I know it’s a shipost and this meme is at least 15 years old. But meat, cheese, and white bread (especially the ones in the US with added sugar) were never healthy
Always relevant when you know that Jordan Merdalla Bardella shat himself in the N amphitheater at Tolbiac faculty