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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 16th, 2023


  • Yup no desire to actually learn facts, cnn is reporting very little information that is easy to obtain online without doing real investigative work. Baluchi is a strong athlete, and in 2014 he had to be rescued at his own request by Coast guard. So taxpayer dollars were wasted then. But 2016 there is no indication in the article about who asked for help, was he going on his merry way and coast guard decided to be an ass? Or did he call it quits and didn’t have an escape strategy and use coast guard as such? I don’t know, but people have seemed to form opinions already.

  • At least for games, I check how big is the dev team, anything bigger than 30 then pirate Then I check if owner of the development studio is public company, if yes then pirate Then I check if owner owns more than one development studio, if yes then pirate Then I check how many games studio has released, if more than 10, pirate Then I check how many copies have been sold on steam, more than 1m, pirate

    If a game dev team fails all above checks, I will still pirate first, but if i enjoy pirated copy, I’ll buy the game to support the dev.

  • It’s not Palestine. No one cares /s

    To be honest it always bothers me that civil wars have been raging in one or the other African country throughout last century, genocide, ethno-state, famine etc have been raging almost all the time.

    It’s never been interesting enough for most media in east or in the west. Heck even some media in Africa doesn’t care either. Some human rights groups care, but their funding is limited, and no one questions who is supplying weapons to African genocide propogators and I used to think it’s all Russian or Russian copied Chinese weapons, but last year when I was looking at things in depth, they also have NATO weapons, but I couldn’t find how they got it.

  • Yeah i dont understand some things. I support gender transition and LGBTQ community with all my heart, but I myself supporting it for adults, 10-11yo kids are stupid af. Unless there is a scientific way to objectively determine gender (which I don’t think is possible) we shouldn’t allow children or stupid parents that think they know their child from fucking up their future.

    Would we take opportunity from a genuine trans person to transition relatively easily, sure. But i can’t see myself supporting it if it also comes with a massive chance of messing up straight kids that are figuring their shit out that about their sexuality. My one nephew thought he was supposed to be a girl for a year straight when he was 13 to the point doctor were concerned. He’s 18 now and as comfortable with his body and his penis as it gets I guess. And my cousin who recently started feeling like a guy after her long ftm transition, he is 28 now, he says she knew at 13 that “she didn’t feel like a she and should be a he”.

    So should I let my nephew delay his puberty because I also know my cousin wouldn’t have to go through the fucked up period he went through?

    I don’t know, I think solution is to be accepting of people who want to change as adults and leave the kids alone.