frankfurt_schoolgirl [she/her]

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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 25th, 2022


  • I kissed a really good friend yesterday, and it was really good and really gay and I think she really liked it too. Neither of us expected it to happen, I don’t think. We were just kind of cuddling and being silly, and she kept rubbing my nose (what’s the not problematic word for this btw?) and I just like kissed her once really quick as like a joke. Then we both stopped and looked at each other for a bit, and then started kissing for real. I’m pretty sure it was the best kiss I’ve ever had. It felt really long, I think? Or maybe really short and felt really long in a good way. I can’t stop thinking about her lips.

    It’s kind of a mess tho. For one, I’m seeing someone right now. It’s kind of this awkward situationship, like we’re not exclusive or anything. But the thing is that kissing her was like way more intense and better than kissing him. Like kissing him is nice, and I was pretty excited the first time, but I didn’t spend multiple days replaying it in my head and thinking about how I want more.

    My friend and I definitely can’t be together. Like we’re at kind of different places in our lives and it wouldn’t work. Honestly she’s dealing with some hard stuff right now, and I’m not sure I would be able to support her through it. Also we’d be long distance, which would be hard for me.

    So like idk I guess I should stop seeing this guy because it’s not fair to him to actually try to be in a relationship when I’m not even that into him, and also probably not kiss my friend any more because I don’t want to hurt her, but like why is it that the most rational option is the one that’s the, like, least fun? Maybe I am being absurd about this.

  • ya he uses he/him tho i don’t think he cares if he gets called other pronouns.

    Not sure what I’m doing lol. You’re right about communication, I guess we should talk about where we see things going. Like whether or not we could see ourselves in more of an official relationship in the future.

    Which I guess is what I want, maybe? Idk maybe we could just be friends who occasionally have sex, that might be cool too. I’ve never really done that successfully but that’s probably because it was previously with chaser cis guys who I didn’t like spending time with that much lol.

  • So I’ve been dating someone who identifies as a cis man and whose gender presentation I can only describe as “pretty gay twink” but who has been on estrogen for 4 years. I was a little confused about it when we first met, but it’s actually very cool. I like going out with a guy who I can also talk about trans stuff / hrt with.

    I’m not totally sure how things are going with us tho. We spend time together and it’s really good. We go on fun dates, cuddle a lot, and have some nice conversations. But I feel like after that it gets all weird. Like we’ll barely talk during the week, or he’ll leave me on read for house. And it’s been a bit hard to make plans recently. We’ve been doing this for almost two months now. So idk like are we still in the early dating phase, or are we fwbs, or is he just not all that into me? The ambiguity is making me uncomfortable.

  • Congratulations! Starting injections was really, really good for me., hopefully it is for you too! And ya stomach is the way to go, easiest place to inject unless you’re very, very skinny.

    Started feeling tingly

    Ok sorry for the unsolicited advice but I have a similar problem where I can get really scared and in my own head while the needle is actually in me. Something that helped was narrating out loud what I’m doing and counting while I’m acting injevting. I usually count to 25 and then pull the needle out.

  • I had something like that with a guy who I went to school with and who was kind of a bully and general asshole, tho he’s gay not trans. Many years later we ran into each other at a random house party, he was pretty drunk, and gave me a hug and told me he was really sorry. Honestly maybe the most impressive apologies I’ve ever gotten.

    Not saying you have to give these people another chance or anything, just sometimes people can be self aware I guess.