Fuck off Lemmy

  • 153 Posts
Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: April 11th, 2024


  • That isn’t a different thing. Their mechanism for doing so is war. Corporations are making them expensive by starting and continuing wars. All wars are capitalist exploitation and a profit generating scheme. In this case the war is being fought where the chickpeas are grown though so the amount coming to market has dropped.

    There are a few kind of chickpeas though, these are specifically the big round ones anglos call garbanzo beans and in hindi are called kabuli chana. Desi chickpea production hasn’t been impacted but those are smaller chickpeas. The other major source for kabuli chana is Canada.

  • you don’t really need to scare quote they in this context. The NSA and similar organizations are real and operating at this scale right now.

    Will they compromise their back door to go after a pirate? No. Will they collect data on you to profile you and your activities and use that in the future? Yes.

    It is not if, it is when the digital police state is imposed will we know the real end state of this level of data collection. My warning about them is not just about the pirates, its about installing their software and letting them port mirror you and cache your dns calls for years to target you later.