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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023

  • Yes. It could talk to another smart device and ask it to send its packages. You could be careful and connect none of the smart crap in your house to your network, but the smart fridge in your upstairs neighbor’s kitchen could still be helping with smuggling your data out. Or your devices could be connected to some unsecured network around.

    In any case, the only surefire way to stop your data from getting smuggled out is to physically kill all the wireless connectivity capabilities of the device. Disconnect antennae, desolder chips, scrape out pcb traces. Otherwise you’re just hoping the firmware is not doing anything funny. Fortunately I think these are all hypotheticals that have not (yet) been observed in real smart home products.

  • herrvogel@lemmy.worldtoFuck Cars@lemmy.world[meme] THE CHIMERA
    10 days ago

    I agree with the “cars are not stuck in traffic, they are the traffic” thing, but I think it can be unfair when you make the subject people.

    I am currently lucky enough that I can take the train to and from work. Never have to get on the asphalt on my commute except to cross the street twice. It’s great. I sit down and it goes. Lovely stuff. This hasn’t always been the case, though. My car was my one and only option at my previous workplace. Way too far to bike, no public transport, so I was forced to drive there. I hated every minute of being one of the many single-occupant cars on the road. I’d very much have liked to not be sitting in front of a steering wheel believe you me, but the city simply did not provide any better alternatives. I argue that I was stuck in traffic because I didn’t choose to be there in a car to begin with. And that most definitely did get on my nerves quite often, and it did make me more irritable.

    Yeah yeah people could and should vote for politicians who’ll build that infrastructure, but until those are elected and that infrastructure has been built, there are plenty of people who are stuck in traffic.

  • They found a very interesting way of selling their hybrid cars as full on EVs where I live. Their e-power stuff are small ICEs working as generators for electric motors that then drive the wheels. Apparently the fact that the wheels get all their power from an electric motor makes it definitely not a hybrid no sir, despite the fact the cars have tiny ass batteries and the single source of power for the whole system is the ICE. Also they somehow have worse fuel efficiency than many contemporary ICEs that cost quite a bit less. I don’t understand Nissan.

  • What is “best experience” though? It’s such a subjective thing. For you it might be pushing a lever back and forth. For every one person like you, I bet there are hundreds who’d rather leave that menial task to the car. Manual transmission can quickly stop being “fun and engaging” and become a chore, especially if you drive through traffic regularly.

    I, or rather my left leg, personally do not consider manual transmission as a good experience at all. I also think paying much less for fuel is also a very good experience for my wallet. Though of course I don’t drive a Lamborghini or even a nice M4, so there’s that.