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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 26th, 2023


  • hex_m_hell@slrpnk.nettoLemmy Shitpost@lemmy.worldMisinformation?
    3 months ago

    The logic should apply both ways, but it can’t because patriarchy prevents it. Meanwhile, people who don’t have a critique of patriarchy can’t really explain why this is the case. They simply point to it and say, “this is unfair and it hurts men,” without having enough context to actually fix the underlying problem.

  • hex_m_hell@slrpnk.nettoLemmy Shitpost@lemmy.worldMisinformation?
    3 months ago

    Under patriarchy, men are the only ones seen as having agency so they are assumed to always be the aggressor. The assumption is true, even when the reality is not. At the same time, men are socialized to ignore boundaries meaning that most of the time they will be the aggressor, reinforcing the assumption and justifying the application of laws that align with that assumption.

    Men will always be the abusers and never the abused. Men will never be seen as the care givers, even when they are the actual care givers. Men will always be the rapist, never the victim. And, because society tells men these things, we often enact them against our own interests.

    The fact that this logic doesn’t make sense is something feminists have been calling out for a long time as part of the larger system of patriarchy. While patriarchy usually gives more power to men, it doesn’t always. But even when it does seem to benefit men, it still harms men… Just like how every other system of oppression harms everyone involved, not just the oppressed.

  • hex_m_hell@slrpnk.nettoLemmy Shitpost@lemmy.worldMisinformation?
    3 months ago

    See: MRAs failing to understand how this kind of “reverse sexism” is really just the same patriarchy that feminists describe, and that basically every “gotcha” example is really just an example of patriarchy hurting men… In exactly the way feminists have been describing for decades.

  • So… Trump has promised to carry out a coup if he doesn’t win. A good coup would be indistinguishable from him just winning… Yet, people keep saying “vote harder.” Like, yeah, this is all super important stuff and the more people vote the harder it will be for Trump to carry out the coup… But a lot of people have put in a lot of money to make this happen so he’s going to have another coup attempt. This time it won’t be a bunch of idiots, it will be Eric Prince and the Academi soliders who got deployed in Portland.

    If you are in the US, you need to prepare to fight. If he wins, democracy is over. If he doesn’t win, democracy is probably over too since he’s already rigged the supreme court so he can steal the election and make it look legal. Police all over the country have already pledged allegiance to him. When you come out to protest they will run you over with SUVs and just open fire on you. They’ll shoot at reporters to make sure no one can see what’s happening, just like they did during the George Floyd rebellion. But this time they’ll just kill people and claim they were violent.

    You all need to be ready for the absolute worst. You also need to vote to make it harder, but voting will absolutely not be enough. You need to prepare.

  • From a purely technical perspective, it should be possible to do this with an ODB-II device with GPS and BTLE. You could send everyone with a car the option to buy a device and register the device to associate it with their license plate.

    Put a couple of plate readers around vulnerable areas with BTLE and make sure that the plate that’s being read has an associated device. Any time one doesn’t traffic enforcement comes in. You could even connect it to retracting bollards to make it physically impossible to enter vulnerable areas without a car that has a registered remote controlled governor.

    Even from a security perspective it’s not super hard to design, assuming the city is the trusted authority.

    From an economic perspective, most of the hardware could be paid for by car owners since they would be buying a device that acts as a permit to enter the city. A device could additionally require a subscription, which would pay for the yearly costs of the server infrastructure and maintenance.

    Once you had such a system in place, it would be pretty easy to even charge people tolls for entering sensitive areas. Hell, you could probably replace most of parking enforcement by just charging people a constant rate for being in the city. You could even use GPS to charge different rates in different parking zones.

  • Yep.

    “Boy” is only the opposite of “girl” if you’re working within the framework of gender binary. One could equally argue that “non-binary” is the opposite of both “boy” and “girl.”

    Similarly, “Right Libertarian/AnCap” and “Tankie” are opposite ways to justify authoritarianism and atrocities (dictatorship of the “market” vs dictatorship of the proletariat). “Anarchist/Left Libertarian” is the opposite of both because both assert that non-consentual hierarchies are normal and excuse the atrocities that come with them while anarchism rejects the validity of non-consentual hierarchy.

  • If I were malicious enough to design the system, I would make it a heartbeat. Skip too many heartbeats and your car bricks. It could be written in to the terms of the loan since companies are using in-car computers for repossession.

    “Why is my car bricked?”

    “Because you tried to disable our payment verification system.”

    “I live in a rural area.”

    “You’re like 1% of customers. Your loan contact says you have to drive within cell range once a month. Fuck you, we’re repossessing the car and keeping the money anyway.”

  • How many people die on those roads who would live if they didn’t have to commute? How many pounds of tire end up in the sound killing salmon and orcas? How many pedestrians are those commuters going to kill? How many cyclists? How many kids get asthma from the exhaust? How much could we delay the most catastrophic impacts of climate change if we didn’t try to force people artificially in to the office?

    If you want tax dollars you don’t need to force people in to cars. You need to make your city more accessible by bikes and mass transit. Those numbers are never coming back, and they absolutely shouldn’t. Adapt or die.

  • Ok, so you, who have absolutely no context on the situation, keep being told that you’re wrong by people who have context on the situation, and your responses is to record all the ways you’re told you’re wrong so you can gloat about how you keep getting told you’re wrong by the ignorant people who actually have lived their entire lives in the place you know nothing about? Cool.

    It’s kind of like you’re listening to the 5 blind people describe an elephant over the phone and you’re like, “I have a cat, therefore you also have a cat. You need cat litter and everything you’re saying is dumb.”

    America for Europeans is either Hollywood, major cities, or Europe with rednecks. You fundamentally do not understand the context. You keep comparing to Europe and Austrian, but those models don’t work. Europe enclosed the commons generations earlier. It’s not possible for Europeans to comprehend America.

    I’ve driven for 6 hours straight with the radio on scan and not even found a signal in more than one part of the US. There are vast areas of nothing with no law and no possibility of control. The vast majority of the US is unpopulated. The closest analog would be Australia or Canada.

    Except that Austria and Canada never had an economy that relied on chattel slavery enforced by “organized milita.” That’s what the “well regulated milita” is in the second amendment, it’s slavers. Slavery and genocide are essential to the US in a way they aren’t in any developed country. If you want to compare the US to something, you need to look at Brazil.

    The US is more like a developing nation or a dictatorship than a democracy the way you think about it.

    Americans have all heard the same things over and over again. Your arguments are old and bring nothing new. So what is it exactly you’re trying to do here? What is the point if first hand information will change your articles of faith? Are you just trying to feel superior? Because coming in to a place, knowing nothing about it, and telling people they’re doing everything wrong is a pretty old school European thing to do and it really isn’t convincing anyone.

  • Fixing US gun violence is trivial from a policy perspective. You tax bullets at an extremely high rate while also creating a social welfare system like Europe. This restricts the ability to execute violence while also addressing some of the biggest causes. But it’s impossible to implement that because right wing terrorism is the point.

    Right wing terrorism isn’t a problem with America. It is America. It’s how the system is supposed to work. It is the point.

    Right wing terrorism keeps people traumatized. It ensures that anyone proposing a social safety net would be murdered. It is the extrajudicial extension of the oligarchy that controls America. What the government can’t do, right wing death squads do instead.

    If you stop mass shootings, you will destroy America. It isn’t being stopped because it is intentional. It isn’t being stopped because both parties, and, more importantly, the oligarchs who control them, benefit from it.

    If you think you can stop gun violence in the US, you fundamentally do not understand what the US is. The KKK has been deeply involved at all layers of government across the US for generations. Today Aryan Brotherhood infiltrates police departments across the nation. The violence is the reality of America, the thing you think is America is just a facade.

    America is colonial white supremacy maintained through terror, where guns are the primary tool of that terror. America is not normal, it’s a two party dictatorship pretending to be a democracy. America is the problem, it cannot fix the problem anymore than Nazi Germany could have fixed their antisemitism problem.