Anyone using one as a daily driver for work? I’m really tempted to upgrade
The original pitch also had dedicated servers and those are gone, sadly.
Oh, wait, it was 30 usd. And i backed Shadowrun Online for 66, so Star Citizen might even be the better bet :)
I backed it with about 60$ on the Kickstarter and have tried a few alphas. It’s nice but unpolished. I don’t care about the drama and by this point, if they release a game, I’ll be happily surprised - and if not, meh.
This is on my “I now have fuck you money” list.
The Marauders were the only good thing in this shitshow
Assault / domestic violence
Ohhh, xFire, that takes me back. To a time of dedicated servers and not that bullshit service game fuckery.
Same. Even the ai stuff is helpful instead of annyoing.
Not sure if that is the right Video, i remember a flying dog with a guitar
I liked the series, but mostly because of Bucky and more backstory for Zemos.
Captain A is a hard character to play or write because he is so one dimensional - he is good, no what ifs or buts. Chrias Evan did a great job, but you also need a good villain that carries the story. And without great writers, its hard to make something fun and entertaining.
Yeah, but Elon likes to threaten, he has no concept of labor laws
Not quite - if they are back one day and then have a sick note for something new the next day, the company has to pay again. Phrasing is a little vague, probably by design.
However, it would be easier to offer a severance package or talk to then about leaving the company.
Ohhhhhh, those people!
PC port with fixed controls, please?
Ah, the Juicero. One of the dumbest things created with VC money. And if was so over engineered they didn’t even make money of it.
Oh, fantastic Website. Saved
Na, forget CDs and check out my sweet minidisc player! Waaazaaaaaaaa!!??!