• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023

  • There is a change for a cross OS malware but it’s probably still quite small.

    I would just remove them, and then if they dont re-appear after checking game file consistency then its’s mostly likely not a false positive.

    But if you know that last playerd is most likely before you installed current OS then it should be clean. I would check user level autostart and cronjob (so mostly stuff in $HOME/.config) places if something didnt get added, go ahead with life.

    Unless you are doing banking and other critical stuff on this machine then I would be thinking of hardedning the OS in some way and/or reinstalling.

  • Whenever i get the Crash report window I fill it as much as possible and send, I stopped manually going into bugs.kde.org and manually create bug after the response I got was “it’s probably nvidia issue”, but for last months I’m on new AMD gpu and those issues still persist and I already learned to just periodically run kwin_x11 --replace& disown; exit to fix them and go with my life.

    And yes, the issues is probably not easy to track, as it only happen after at least few days or running it.

    Just recently the switch from plasma 5 to plasma 6 introduced another bug with the windows - every few hours/days i get a window that is visible but all mouse clicks go thru it and actually the window behind it receive those clicks, to fix it I (once again) do kwin replace.

    And yes, I’m heavy user with 2 workspaces * 2 desktops * a lot of open apps/windows running 24h/day, to the point just few days ago I got and error in console “maximum number of clients reached” when on X11 when trying to open any new window… (And I didn’t run out off RAM (48GB) or VRAM (16GB))

    So as much as I’m full time on Linux desktop for 8 years, the experience did improve a lot, but the stability of long running KDE Plasma slowly degraded over last years, hence my response.

    And I did have the same issues on my 8 year installation of Arch and on KDE Plasma.

    I had only few crashes and only on plasma 6, yes I did switch to 6.0.1 which is very quite new, so few crashes could be expected, but I’m on 6.0.4 (will update to 6.0.5) and kwin is still buggy with window ordering, and compared to xorg, on wayland I can’t do kwin_wayland --replace because it closes all my open windows/apps which is annoying. Heck, even killing/restarting plasmashell also shutdown all apps that was started from menu…

    Why did I switch? Because of hoping that issues from 5.x was fixed in 6.x but that was not the case :(

    Same that not many issues will crash whole kwin so they will never trigger “crash report”. It would be nice to have some some way to easy “trigger” state dump and open issue. That I would like the ‘stability’ and those last 0.001% of stability polish to be the focus for KDE.

    So as much as I love <3 KDE Plasma, and I yearly donate to KDE, I still can’t with clear mind suggest anyone to switch from MS Win to Linux (KDE) especially now with Wayland that made me lose all my unsaved work 3 weeks ago due to kwin crash.

  • I would also vote for broken writer.

    I had multiple issues with DVD drives that could write but then it would not work on any other DVD readers or don’t work at all even on the writer drive. And other way around. They are just to damn delicate, especially those you have in your laptops.

    I would try to write the disk with slower speeds as it could improve it somehow like less vibrations or more laser burns.

    But in your case l would check if that person does have a TV or even DVD player that could read from USB, or buy them some smart set top box with jellyfin/Plex/Disney+/…