• 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023


  • The effects of sea level rise from climate change have reached American coasts. Yet we continue to do almost nothing.

    • continued reliance on fossil fuels. As of 2021, reliance on oil, coal, and natural gas at 60% worldwide [2]
    • no desire to implement a diverse range of transportation options (ie, enhanced public transportation). Yet continued desire to widen highway infrastructure
    • no desire to rebuild cities to be more efficient and reduce dependency on car centric transportation (no, EVs will not automagically solve the problems with car centric transportation)
    • no desire to change lifestyle. The amount of meat this country consumes is fucking insane. GHGs from meat production alone account for a third of GHGs [1]
    • the suburban experiment in America and the “American Dream” is a complete failure. We need to stop ripping up diverse ecosystems that help shield or mitigate effects from Mother Nature and replacing them with monoculture suburbs and highways. Case and point: Houston, TX in the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey

    [1] https://www.nature.com/articles/s43016-021-00225-9

    [2] https://www.iea.org/reports/key-world-energy-statistics-2021/final-consumption

  • malloc@lemmy.worldtoLemmy Shitpost@lemmy.worldPeak technology
    4 months ago

    It’s crazy how the people and govt have let this go on for so long. This has been a known issue with consumer grade printers for a long time now. I remember my parents removed about ink costs when I was in grade school. Now these companies have raced to the bottom and are locking them down.

    Personally, I have found myself to print less than a dozen pages per year. Usually it’s some government office that wants hard copy. For every instance, I just used my local Office Depot to handle all of my printing needs. So glad I don’t have to deal with printer bs

  • I do believe financial literacy plays a huge part in it. But at the same time the credit card industry is sort of known to hand out credit cards like candy.

    Some of yall probably are not aware but before the CARD act, the CCC companies would send reps to American campuses. “Sign on bonuses” were given to students who applied for their card. Usually cheap trinkets like a bong or even just straight cash.

    Students without any stable job would get credit limits that would not make sense. This temptation lead to poor spending habits and accumulation of debt. Possibly even filing for bankruptcy later in life or just having bad marks on credit reports due to non-payment and sent to collections (this impacts ability to get other loans).

    It’s stacked against the normal person.