u/nexusband on Reddit

  • 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • I’m not entirely sure what you are talking about, but most backup systems are Plane based.

    GPS is mostly used for something called RNAV, however, RNAV can work without GPS. RNP approaches need GPS, but all airports (regardless how small, because without it would only be an airfield) have different approaches for both pilots and ground personnel to choose from. GPS always has the possibility to fail, for the simple fact that the US military can just turn if the civilian frequencies. GPS is more or less an addition and not a crucial system (except for GPWS - while most planes have radar altimeters, they can’t react fast enough in some cases)

    For those interested, here’s a Video where GPS gets jammed and there’s an explanation on what they do and what happens, when it gets spoofed https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4dG_Whxzdkk

  • Everybody is breaking them whenever it is convenient.

    That’s what Russians are telling themself to cope with the reality, that they don’t want to see. The reality is: Nobody is breaking them like Russia. Even China doesn’t do it like Russia does. For the most part, there is accountability in the rest of the world, corruption isn’t as rampant as it is in Russia.

    Well but how do you know that if you don’t negotiate? Your media told you so? Oh then it must be the truth, because it’s the other’s side media that spreads propaganda, the one that you listen to speaks the truth, am I right?

    No, you couldn’t be more wrong. “The Media” told me nothing, they just translate what Russia, Putin and his cronies are talking about and there are enough people speaking Russian to raise flags if they translate something wrong. Another thing Russian propaganda is trying to do, but failing for the most part. Sure, interviews can be taken out of context, but actions also speak louder than any words anyone can utter and what russia is doing is terrorizing innocent people, displace innocent children and rip families apart.

    Why is almost every negotiation with the “clearly intelligently superior westerner leftists” boils down to Ad Hominem? Why do you never have a convincing argument and have to resort to personal attacks of people you disagree with?

    Because “we” are fucking tired of all these stupid antics that can’t even withstand a long hard view at the facts. All that shit about shifting the blame and goalposts, disregarding everything that was “before” is just exhausting and it doesn’t work/help anything, because every argument is met with more lies, propaganda, egoism and whataboutism.

    Are you seriously talking about civility and decency while supporting a regime that hunts and kidnaps people on the streets sending them into the meat grinder? If this is what you call civility and decency, then I am indeed depraved of it.

    See? That’s what is so utterly infuriating about you - there is not a single shred of evidence supporting this. No Report from anyone has ever talked about this, no interview with the people, no interview with soldiers - nothing. While the evidence Russia is doing exactly that is utterly crushing - there is absolutely zero doubt, because numerous people, outlets, pictures, satellite surveillance and various money laundering schemes reported independently the same thing over and over again.

    And for what it’s worth: I’m not sure if i’m talking to ChatGPT or a proper human being, but if i’m talking to a real human being, nothing i will write here will get you off your high horse anyway, so this is more to all those people reading this in the future (if any), but let it be known that enough is enough and “the silent majority” is done being quiet.

  • Why would you even try to negotiate with a terrorist (and whatever else attributes Putin has attributed to him)? For a war to end, there needs to be a winner and a looser - Russia HAS to loose this, because they have been disregarding rules set by most international communities for over 100 Years.

    Apart from that, Putin is not willing to negotiate - they are willing to dictated terms. That may just a be a tiny difference to your pea brain, but it’s a pretty huge one in reality. How cynical and fucked up does one have to be, to be willing to negotiate with terrorists? Not only that, how utterly depraved of any civility, intelligence and decency has anyone be, to accuse Ukraine of being “the bad guy” here?

  • It is in Sweden, Finland, California, Italy and now Germany. (Although in a different form, called HVO, which is Diesel from garbage (even plastic) and needs roughly 1,5 kWh per Liter)

    The “waste” is irrelevant, if it’s made from power that could not have been used anyway, because it was made in a remote part of the world. We’re still a long, long way away from a global power grid. That power would have to be converted anyway - and we do have all the infrastructure ready to go for that liquid stuff.

  • If you’re going to include the environmental impacts of the one-time lithium extraction (which are usually exaggerated anyway), you must also include the decades of environmental impact of petroleum exploration and extraction.

    And that’s where your argument falls flat, because we are not talking about the past, we’re talking about the future and making it a better one. EVs are a part of that future, but not “the only” thing in that future.

    You don’t get to count just the cost of burning the fuel either. You must include the of searching for new deposits, setting up extraction infrastructure, infrastructure for logistics for shipping all the raw then refined goods, and possibly even the costs and geopolitical impacts of war for securing petroleum interests globally.

    You missed the point completely.

    In fairness, I would also include the cost for electricity generation as a cost for BEVs for an apples-to-apples comparison. Electricity generation (transmission and distribution) will vary widely but we have these metrics for the USA at least. In extreme cases, there are BEVs charged with rooftop solar, which would SERIOUSLY undermine your argument about ICE vehicles being a better ecological choice.

    No - they wouldn’t, for the simple fact, that zero co2 stays zero co2. They can be on par with a small battery, but everything above 60 kWh needs more than 15 tonnes of co2 to be even produced, making the rucksack impossible to get rid off. A current Golf needs around 9t of Co2 to be produced, a current ID.3 needs 14t

    So if both cars are “fueld” with energy that has zero co2 emissions, the ID.3 keeps it’s 5 tonnes deficit.

  • Even then: ICE cars with synthetic, co2 neutral fuel are even better, than new EVs. And then there’s the argument, that a hunk of aluminium with pistons is “cheaper” (in terms of ecological impact) than lithium. Because the EV also needs aluminium, the production of aluminium is going to go down the route of co2 neutral anyway. So a mix of both things and especially EVs with smaller batteries makes a lot more sense…(which has also been proven with various studies, but who gives two flying things about that these days)