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Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: March 1st, 2024


  • oo1@lemmings.worldtoScience Memes@mander.xyzPenguins ❤️
    13 hours ago

    Right whales too - with a metric tonne of balls to bring to the party - they are made for lovin’ not fightin’:

    Right whales form large mating aggregations, which can include several males seeking access to a female. However, unlike humpback whale competitive groups, male right whales do not engage in aggressive displays. One female may successively mate with several males, and it is believed that males compete to pass their genes to the next generation through quantity of sperm they deliver when they mate, rather than fighting for access to females. This theory is supported by the fact that male right whales have the largest testes of any animal on earth (up to 500 kg each), as well as extremely large penises.


  • Historically it’s not miracles that brought banking regulation (unless you believe that bit abut Jesus in the temple), it’s trajedy, like 1929 and WW2.

    it probably won’t get that bad though because these days they’ll keep bailing them out, their failures paid for by your economic future - gradually enough so that it’s not as bad in concentration as 1929, just spread it out into long term inflation so that it’s harder to notice. All the whiile people can keep tightening their belts.

    And, I’m not saying people shouldn’t; being frugal is good, but, once you’ve switched to your frugal lifetyle, it’s increasingly hard to make the next round of cuts, and the next one and the next . . .

  • You’ve probably not infringed the copyright, only the court can decide though; if you were to be challenged by the rights holder.

    I think there are lots of factors in your defence:

    • you’re not selling it , your use is an example for education
    • I don’t think you’re reducing the market value for the original(s) in any way
    • you’ve not included substantial verbaitim sections of the original works , but I think you have used more than just facts and ideas (not sure though).

    But add in some more quotes, flesh it out, and then try to sell it . . . each step weakens the ‘fair use’ defence.

    This the the problem for the LLM, it can be used for many things, and if it has no filter or limit, then eventually the collective derived works might add up to commercial, substantial reuse, and might include enough to have copied a substantial portion of the original. Very hard to determine I’d think. Each individual use might be fair, but did the LLM itself go too far at some point?

    Copyright holder probably struggles to challenge the LLM on the basis of all the things infinite mokeys might use it for in future.

  • cool, that actually looks like a good idea. Interesting for sync uses too , say, in film as i think so long as you re-performed the melody (not the “song”) you’d be royalty free. I do think it’d be funny to hear the Joni Mitchell paved paradise melody in a car commercial - but that’s still creative freedom. Interesting stuff.

  • heres some radom impractal ideas.

    identify excesses fo power that do not work in the national interest and figure out what stable system can be put in place to regulate those excesses down to lower levels as effectively as possible. simples. /s

    regulate banks so that they invest more of your savings in businesses and services that your country needs for your future. (this is a very long term fix as they’ve spent 40-50 years divesting from your society).

    regulate capital gains so that business can not meet shareholder needs with asset price bubbles, only dividends. regulate dividends too. (aim is as Keynes said to avoid “whirlpools of speculation” and see only “bubbles” on a steady stream of investment).

    nominal transaction tax (tobin tax), and transaction delay times for all exchanges to stop stock markets being ran so fucking stupidly they do not need to trade that much that often

    dissociate commercial banks from building societies separate and minimise home loans- but regulate house prices to prevent mortgage bubble. (/ust accept low gdp growth , gdp is fucking made up number) basically do a load of FDR bank regulation stuff that got scrapped in the 70s/80s under dubious pretexts.

    better to promote localised banking and local lending coops and such, then the power to make businesses loans is held closer to the savers and borrowers, and can be more accountable just by being a closer group that interacts mmore frequently.

    regulate scarce situations that are hard to replicate , rent controls in centre of town or near transit (or other land use regualtion). try to manage away property bubbles - this is part of the reason businesses become uncompetetive, along with all the other stuff that pushes up cost fo living.

    Of course regulation is difficult, prone to corruption, as al) the freedoomers will say. It is after all an excess of power - but it it not the only one and might be the only one with a chance of reducing the ppower of the others unles you cound bloody revolutions every now and again that also end up investing a new set of powerful people… And it doesn’t help that one of your(assuming i’m talking to usa by context) parties just works solely on behalf of al those power mongers that most need regulation; their real neat trick,“govt is shit”, “look at us we’re govt”, “you’d better reduce the power of regulators in case you elect idiots like us again” And that line of reasoning is so successful that the other party imitates it.

    So you need a way to make the regulators accountable, and elections are not a necessarily the best way to improve regulation , but they can be part of a wider system to hold the regulatros to account. On a more local scale , something like having to explain themselves and their decisions to random anonymous juries. They should also, as public officials have to submit their income and weath statements to the jury of the people to try to demostrate no bribery.

    you dont need perfect, just a framework where it can improve bit by bit, and gradually weed out those with excess power orwho abuse it. which basically needs transparency and accountability at a level and frequency that matches the circumstances at hand.

  • I think it is in the drake equation effectively, it factors into the length of time that the civilization might send and receive detectable signals - It doesn’t say why the Civilisation might collapse, but the planet becoming uninhabitable is surely one reason. On wikipedia for Drake Equation the Carl Sagan specification of L is in terms of the “fraction of planetary lifetime”.

    I think a missing factor might be how directional transmission and receiving is, if we can’t broadcast to and listen to the whole sky equally then we might have a 1/r-cubed type issue with the chances of both listening and transmitting with enough strength/energy at the same time.