Just looked it up since I was sure I had read they had their own. On their wikipedia article it says:
In its early days on the Internet, the Qwant search engine relied on Bing to provide more relevant results. In 2016, Qwant claimed to be increasingly using its own results from its own exploration robots. It is still at the status of hybrid engine.[89] In 2020, Qwant claimed to have exceeded 50% of independent results for web searches, and 70% for all researchs
so I guess it’s both bing and their own thing.
I think Qwant does too, right?
We’ve looked at the user data and carrots just aren’t that popular, so it doesn’t make sense to keep supporting them. We’re working on a new vegetable which we hope to show off sometime new next.
I actually have really fond memories of Sabayon, the community was really nice. It also served as a good gateway into Gentoo by giving you a pre-configured usable system, including its binary package manager, but also gentoo’s emerge (not that you should use both at the same time).