• 2 Posts
Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: February 12th, 2024


  • You mean like having movers coming in a few weeks but not getting off my ass for the past five days to start putting my life into boxes to move halfway across the country? Cuz it feels like you might be referring to my having movers coming in a few weeks but me not getting off my ass for the past five days to start putting my life into boxes to move halfway across the country.

  • They struggle to make ends meet during periods of economic downturn because 1) they are “wealthy”, but not “filthy fuckin’ rich”, and 2) they live almost beyond their means and…when they have to “cut” back…it involves downsizing the Beamer 7 Series to a Volvo S90 and spending two weeks in Hawaii on vacation instead of a month in Europe.

    For most of the working class who are well off enough to be able to afford a roof and know where our next meal is coming from, they are one bad month away from couch surfing.

    To the “wealthy” in this scenario, I say to you tighten up those bootstraps…quit eating avocado toast and all that.

    To the “filthy fuckin’ rich”, I say this: Guillotines exist for a reason.

  • Photogenic: Looks good in photographs; attractive

    Memory: A construct of one’s mind that allows them to recall information

    a photogenic memory = a beautiful mind.

    It is humorous because the assumption is that I mean to say “photographic memory”. One with a photographic memory can recall visual information to which they’ve been exposed with great accuracy.

    But when I tell this joke to friends or colleagues, I say “No no, a photogenic memory…I have a beautiful mind”. There was a film with actor Russell Crowe called A Beautiful Mind in which he plays a brilliant professor who we discover late in the film has schizophrenia which has caused him no small amount of embarrassment and challenges in his life. According to diagnostic testing I had done, I have a high intelligence quotient along with autism, and it, too, has caused me embarrassment and challenges in my life.

    So when I say I have a “beautiful mind”, people remember that film and it occurs to them that I am saying I am intelligent (something friends and colleagues already know about me) but that my autism (something they also know about me) makes me a little weird and is a burden to me sometimes. It’s just a bit of self-deprecating humor.