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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023

  • I’d assume the average citizen has harder time.

    Average Russian knows more about VPN than most others because of tons of restrictions. And telegram only helps with that by providing workaround and info about proxies.

    doesn’t care about who can read and influence their communication

    Groups chats are private by default, you have to change that by yourself to make it public. There is no evidence that anyone else would be able to read it whatsoever while it’s private. The only danger comes from actual members who may invite unwanted people or share screenshots of the conversation.

    the company behind Telegram has been involved in various sketchy situations

    That’s the only thing you have. Any other company that could provide a service with similar features would have to be involved in very similar sketchy situations and there is no way around that. Signal doesn’t care about public communication features which puts it into a whole different weight category. Also signal would hardly care to help Russians restore access if it gets blocked.

    I wouldn’t bet my wellbeing

    Not surprising. You’re clearly not Russian.

  • This is what happens when western people read such articles. They turn into denial. Telegram is basically the safest place in Russia’s digital space.

    these people must have been living under a rock

    Russians are very advanced when it comes to the internet. They spend more time in it because real life sucks more than in other countries.

    Telegram has control over the content and channels

    Doesn’t mean anything. Especially for groups who just want to communicate.

    has been working with governments in the past

    There is not enough evidence to support the probability of telegram making steps to make finding gay people easier for Russian authorities.

  • Like I said, apartheid part is irrelevant in a “dictatorship or not” definition. If most Israeli people don’t feel themselves being under a dictatorship then it is not a dictatorship. What the regime does towards Palestine and its citizens is another thing. In fact, if you insist on calling it a dictatorship based on what happens to Palestine and Palestinians I’d feel as if you would assume there is no Palestine outside of Israel.

  • My point is that dictatorship mainly affects real citizens, making their lives worse. Israel cares about its citizens adequately from what I see. There are no grave political crisis or tons of citizens suffering from inadequate laws or false accusations. Israeli people are fine. There is only Gaza and Palestinians Israel is dealing with, and I leave that out of context because those are outside of political regime definition for me.

  • Occupation is never normal. I’m not ignoring it. Just saying that dictatorship is a different thing that is hardly related to it this case and otherwise too. Also my point is that it just looks increasingly stupid when people ar first blamed Israel for being bloodthirsty killers and then switched to “oh that’s all because Netanyahu wants to remain in power”, as if it would immediately cease if Netanyahu disappears.

  • Whatever you prefer calling occupied territories, I don’t consider a subject for dictatorship. Dictatorship is something I consider an internal state of the country, so no other territories should affect it. An aggression on neighbouring territories can be a result of dictatorship but never a reason for it. So whatever is going on with “occupied” territories is not a subject for this discussion for me.

  • have been under Israeli Military Control since 1967.

    You didn’t see the comment tree? It’s about Netanyahu. Are you going to pretend he is responsible for all of that?

    If you ignore all of that

    When we’re talking about whether or not some person is a dictator - yes, its irrelevant. Dictatorship is about having a power against the will of too many citizens, also silencing them, jailing them, killing them etc.

    If you consider a democracy

    Don’t need that. There are not 2 types of government. It may not be a democracy, but it’s similarly difficult to qualify as a dictatorship.

    Palestinian citizens are about 20% of Israeli population. Black people are about 14% of the US population. Both of them hold legal citizenships and rights but often face disparities. Does that make the US an apartheid by your logic?

  • Not helping. Apartheid or not, my criteria is how well government cares about its citizens, and that term ignores that. Political gain or not, my stance is that it started with October 7th attack, which was not prepared by current Israeli government, therefore it’s correct to blame another party. Protesters doing their thing is good for everyone, we should start worrying when they are unable to do that anymore due to oppressive laws, police raids etc.

  • You don’t need to ask me how I prefer calling a regime in a country in order to make it look bad. I don’t have such preferences. There are people suffering in any country including yours, and their lives could get better with new elections. This is not an extraordinary situation.

    I don’t need to invent words for Israel. I would call it bad when I see it does terrible things to its own people. This is not a case for now and from what I know, there is no imminent conflict/crisis between government and citizens. That’s aside from the war conflict/intervention situation of course. I would also appreciate hamas if they did a better job at governing gaza, but instead they bombed it with inaccurate missiles as a side effect of trying to harm Israel. This is a huge difference - I call the Palestinian regime bad because of that, and suggest they could manage it much better. When compared to Israel, I don’t see much obvious room for improvement (I don’t see a lot of Israeli people suffering) and thus I can’t call it bad.

  • I hear Putin is a dictator and there are tons of evidence. I hear Xi is a dictator and there are tons of evidence. The evidence you gave (an article with words from one person) is laughable at best, sorry. Israeli people seem to live just fine under Netanyahu. Also it doesn’t seem probable that he would attack Gaza if the October 7 attack didn’t happen (and people are having a hard time trying to prove that he somehow made it possible). Same with Lebanon.